Page 38 of The Beautiful Mess

Kerry eventually eased out of him and rolled over, bringing Keegan to lie on top of him. “I weigh too much.”

Keegan tucked his head under Kerry’s chin and sighed. “You can pin me to the mattress anytime.” The significance of the moment fully hit Keegan. The afterglow used to turn into his freak-out moment, with bliss giving way to panic and shame. Not this time. Not with this man. Keegan raised his head and met Kerry’s sleepy gaze. “How much rest do you need before round two?”

“Iworried about this.” Kerry sighed dramatically, formed his features into a resigned expression, and gave his head a little shake. He had a hard time staying in character when Keegan’s drowsy gaze turned sharp and alert. Kerry’s mouth quivered at the corners and threatened to give him away. “I believe I even warned you this might happen during our locker room chat at the Feisty Bull.”

Relief softened Keegan’s gaze again, and he rolled his eyes. “So arrogant. The only ring I’m thinking about is the asshole you just stretched around your dick.” Keegan pushed up to a sitting position and straddled Kerry’s hips. His torso was slick from where they’d smeared his release between them. Kerry became aware of the stickiness on his stomach, too, but couldn’t be bothered to wipe it off when the fireplace crackled behind Keegan and cast gorgeous shadows over his body. He was beyond grateful his interior designer hadn’t let him override her decision to install it in his bedroom. “I can’t wait to ride you like this.” Keegan undulated his hips and triggered a fluttering response in Kerry’s core. Maybe he’d rebound quicker than usual and make both their fantasies come true.

Tucking one arm under his head, Kerry watched the play of muscle under Keegan’s skin, the hypnotic movements pulling him under Keegan’s spell. The glistening smears caught his attention again, and he reached up and swirled his finger through it, wishing it was his cum painting Keegan’s golden skin. “I’ve never wanted to mark anyone or claim them for my own.” Kerry had never resented using condoms during sex. He’d never yearned to tuck someone against his heart and hold on for dear life. Everything changed when he met Keegan. The impossible not only seemed possible but plausible. Inevitable?

Kerry cut off the train of thought before veering too far off track. He cupped the back of Keegan’s neck and pulled him down to bring his lips within kissing range. He’d meant to keep things light between them, but the situation called for raw honesty. “I expected to feel a surge of resentment if I gave in to my attraction to you, but you’ve brought me a level of warmth and peace I’ve never known.”

Keegan swallowed hard and blushed a little, but he kept his soft gaze locked on Kerry. Not that long ago, he would’ve broken eye contact. “And I expected to feel a surge of self-hatred and shame after sex.” His eyes filled with tears, but Kerry didn’t see sadness shimmering in his hazel depths. “This liberation and joy is something I couldn’t have dreamed for myself.” He blinked, and a few tears spilled down his face. Keegan groaned and pulled against Kerry’s hold to sit up again. “Damn it. I vowed I’d never cry again after sex.”

Kerry hadn’t wanted to let him go, but he’d vowed to honor Keegan’s choices. He lifted his hand and brushed the tears away instead. “Tears of joy and liberation are welcome anytime.”

Keegan looked away then and stiffened. Kerry followed his gaze and found Betty sitting in the doorway, watching them.

Meow.Her orange eyes bored into Kerry’s, and her twitching tail betrayed her annoyance.

Keegan chuckled. “Is your perverted cat rating our performance?”

“She’s demanding breakfast.” Kerry looked at the clock. “I’m seven minutes past her usual mealtime.”

Meow.Betty’s complaint got louder and would only continue to rise in volume and shrillness the longer he delayed. “I better meet her demands or suffer the consequences.” He sat up and kissed Keegan before he could slide off Kerry’s lap. “She’s definitely giving you a ten out of ten. So bossy and sexy.”

Keegan looped his arms around Kerry’s neck and smiled. “Tell me more.”

All thoughts of getting out of bed were gone. “How about I show you instead?” Kerry rolled and pinned Keegan beneath him once more and captured his bossy mouth in a kiss that left them breathless. He’d be more than willing to stay just like this for the rest of the day, or at least until he recovered enough for round two. The mattress bounced at the foot of the bed, and Kerry broke the kiss to glare at his cat. “There’s dry kibble in your dish. Eat that. I’ll give you tuna soon.”

Betty narrowed her eyes and made no move to leave them alone. She didn’t yowl at him, so he took that as a good sign to resume kissing Keegan, whose lips trembled with barely contained glee. “Don’t encourage her,” Kerry warned. His mouth barely grazed Keegan’s when Betty’s sharp teeth sank into his foot. She’d only warned him and didn’t break the skin, but it hurt enough to make him yelp and sit up.

Keegan slapped a hand to his mouth to muffle his reaction, but his body shook with restrained laughter. Betty jumped off the bed and darted into the hallway. Kerry was tempted to shut the door and resume their activities, but she’d only make a pest of herself. And he still wore the condom.

“I’m going to take care of this.” He pointed to the latex covering his dick. “Then I’m going to feed my nagging cat. How do you feel about taking a shower to clean up?”

Keegan stopped laughing and jackknifed into a sitting position. “Together?”

“The same woman who talked me into installing a romantic fireplace also convinced me to put a shower big enough for—”

Keegan launched himself off the bed and hauled ass to the nearest door.

“—two,” Kerry continued.

When Keegan yanked the door open, he must’ve only seen the clothes hanging to the left and right because he turned, put his hands on his hips, and glared. “Really? You’re just going to let me make a fool of myself?”

Kerry chuckled and crossed the room at a much slower pace. “It has showerheads on both ends and multiple nozzles along the sides for massaging.” He stopped when he reached Keegan, took his hand, and led him into the closet. Kerry reached out and flipped on the switch. Light flooded the space and revealed a closed door on the other end. “I haven’t tidied the bathroom, so it might be a little messy.” Kerry opened the door, flipped on the light, and winced. His clothes from the previous night were in a pile next to the hamper instead of inside it. He’d flung his towel across the vanity instead of hanging it on the rack to dry.

Keegan stopped beside him and took his time examining the space. He lifted his head and sniffed the air. “Smells just like you.” Before Kerry could ask if that was a good or bad thing, Keegan turned, pressed his nose against Kerry’s neck, and sniffed him. He followed that up with an almost purr-like noise, which then reminded him of his furry beast.

Meow!Betty’s insistent tone let him know she wasn’t playing around. He’d better move his ass or risk losing a toe.

Keegan eased to the side and gestured to the cat. “You better take care of your girl.” He eyed the shower with a skeptical eye. “I could probably figure this out.”

“Just one more minute, Betty,” Kerry told her. She flounced off with a low growl, and Kerry reached into the tiled enclosure and cranked the faucet handle. Only one showerhead came on, but that was his intention. “I don’t want you on the other side of the shower if it means I can’t hold you against me.”

Keegan assessed the massive structure where steam already billowed toward the ceiling. “That bench is sure going to come in handy, though.”

The comment drew Kerry’s attention to Keegan’s sweet ass. “Yes, it will.”