Page 29 of The Beautiful Mess

Kerry’s hands inched lower until his fingertips brushed the upper swells of Keegan’s ass cheeks. “Abso-fucking-lutely.”

“Your turn,” Keegan prodded.

Kerry remained silent long enough for Keegan’s nerve to waver. But then he raised a hand and traced the curve of Keegan’s face with a finger. “We both want to explore these feelings to see where it can take us.”

Keegan silently urged himself to remain calm and cool.Don’t blow it now, Kee.But being bold and honest was what had finally led to this moment. Keegan placed his hand over Kerry’s heart. “Let me in. At least unlock the door and give me a chance to walk through it.”

Kerry’s response was a yielding moan, followed by an impassioned kiss that rocked Keegan to his core. The first press of lips ignited a spark in his belly that turned into an inferno when Kerry slipped his tongue into Keegan’s mouth. He’d been kissed before, but nothing had ever felt like this. Kerry licked into his mouth, teasing and sucking on Keegan’s tongue and eliciting the neediest moans that only seemed to add gasoline to the fire burning in his veins. The fear he’d felt with Danny was nowhere in sight. Instead of clamoring to get away from Kerry’s touch, Keegan had to restrain himself from climbing him like a tree.

Maybe Kerry sensed his need because the next thing Keegan knew, his feet were off the ground, and his ass landed on the kitchen island. Kerry cradled Keegan’s head with one large hand and rested the other on Keegan’s thigh. Parting his legs and making room for Kerry seemed as natural as breathing, and fuck, they notched together so perfectly. Desire pooled in Keegan’s core, spreading out until every pore and hair follicle was on fire for the man between his legs. Kerry moved his hand from Keegan’s thigh to his ass, scooting him closer until they were groin to groin, hard and aching for one another.

Keegan wasn’t sure where to put his hands since he’d told Kerry sex was off the menu for the moment. He didn’t want to be the tease Danny had accused him of being. The thought dampened the moment a little, and Kerry must’ve heard the hitch in his breath. He eased back and searched Keegan’s gaze.

“Too much, too fast?” Kerry asked.

Keegan bit his bottom lip and shook his head. When he didn’t answer right away, Kerry reached out and gently rescued the abused flesh from his teeth. “I…um…didn’t want to put out mixed signals. And…”

Kerry’s eyes darkened with something like malice, but Keegan knew it wasn’t directed at him. “I’m nothing like that asshole. If you ever want me to stop, I’m stopping. Period. And for the record, a person may change their mind at any time. Maybe you green-light me right up through penetration but decide it’s too much. No means no. Stop means stop. I will be your safe place, Kee.”

Relief flooded Keegan’s system, and tears filled his eyes. “But what about your pleasure? I feel how hard you are. I don’t want you aching and miserable.”

Kerry brushed away the few tears that escaped Keegan’s eyes. Then he raised his right hand. “I’ve been making do with my bestie since we met. We can get by for as long as you need.”

Delicious images of Kerry pleasuring himself sprang to mind, and Keegan couldn’t contain his moan. “Damn, that’s hot.”

Kerry nuzzled his nose against Keegan’s neck. “I’ll let you watch anytime you want.”

Keegan tried to scoot off the island, but Kerry stopped him with a dark chuckle. “Food and talking first.”

“We are talking,” Keegan said. He reached over and snagged a shiny red apple from the fruit bowl. He crunched into it and offered it to Kerry for a bite, but he pressed his tongue inside Keegan’s mouth and stole his bite instead. Dark eyes crackled with smug pride as Kerry chewed and swallowed the apple.

Kerry held the fruit up to Keegan’s mouth, but he wanted to taste the apple on Kerry’s lips. Keegan cupped his neck and pulled him down for another deep kiss. The sweet, crisp fruit juice made Keegan’s mouth water and his hunger grow. The apple fell to the island and rolled to the floor. Keegan and Kerry simultaneously reached for each other, their hands shifting, seeking, and exploring over their clothes.

Kerry eased his mouth free, then immediately kissed a path down Keegan’s neck toward his collarbone. Keegan angled his head back to give him access and grabbed a fistful of Kerry’s hair. It would be so easy to lie back on the island and surrender to the feeling surging inside him, and he was mere seconds away from doing that when Kerry abruptly pulled back.

“Huh-uh,” Kerry said. “I promised to feed you, and I said we’d talk.”

“I had fruit for dinner, and there’s nothing else we need to discuss right now.” Keegan pointed to Kerry and said, “You want this.” Then he pointed at himself. “And I want this. That’s all we need right now.”

Kerry’s stomach growled pitifully in rebuttal. And if he was honest, Keegan would admit he was hungry too. Kerry stepped back between Keegan’s thighs and captured his lips for a sweet but too-short kiss. “Let me feed you.”

Keegan pursed his lips like he was mulling it over. Then he straightened up and smiled wickedly. “Fine, but I want the show you promised me.”

“The show?”

Keegan made a fist but didn’t have to gesture crudely for Kerry to get the point. “You know the one.”

A dark blush swept over Kerry’s tanned cheeks. “I’ll give you the best show you’ve ever seen.” It was Keegan’s turn to blush, and Kerry smiled at his reaction. “Don’t go anywhere. I might need kisses to tide me over until after we eat.”

“Maybe for your opening act, you can tell me just how you and Sven came to be at the bar tonight,” Keegan said.

As Kerry pulled leftovers from the refrigerator, he told Keegan about the conversation he had with Sven at his truck the previous night. “I didn’t mean to imply he should actually follow you.”

“He didn’t misunderstand what you said,” Keegan said.

“I’m trying to be gracious,” Kerry replied before explaining Sven’s frantic text from the bar. “I didn’t know he’d dressed down, and I almost didn’t recognize him in that getup.” While the chicken and stuffing casserole reheated in the microwave, Kerry returned to the island to snag a few kisses. When the appliance beeped, Kerry captured one last kiss before returning to his task. The chicken came out, and the potatoes went in. “Do you want vegetables too?”

Keegan shook his head. “I’m sure Sven didn’t expect you to be dressed up either,” he said. “You look so handsome, but you always do, no matter what you’re wearing.” Keegan thought about Kerry wearing nothing but a pair of gym shorts, and it wasn’t hard to picture him in boxers…or nothing at all.