Sven flapped his hand in front of his face like he got a whiff of something horrible. “No doubt. Drinks are on me.” He opened the door and stepped into the hallway. But when Keegan moved to follow, Kerry tugged on their joined hands to stop him.
“I meant let’s leave the bar,” Kerry said.
“And go where?”
“Anywhere you want, but I was thinking my place.”
Keegan could only blink for a few seconds. “Together?”
Kerry laughed and cupped Keegan’s face with his free hand. “Yes, together. We need to talk.”
“Talk?” He tried not to sound disappointed.
Kerry swallowed hard. “And I really want to hold you and kiss you, if that’s okay—”
Keegan darted toward the door, hauling Kerry behind him. Delicious chuckles met his enthusiasm. “I met Danny here, so my truck is outside. That’s one smart thing I did tonight.” Time would tell if going home with Kerry would fall into the same category.
“This way,” Kerry said once they stepped into the hall. He nodded his head toward the door at the end of the corridor marked as an exit.
Keegan wondered how often Kerry had left through that door with his hookups, but he didn’t let the thought ruin his good mood. “Should we tell Sven we’re leaving?”
“He’ll figure it out.” Kerry squeezed his hand, then added, “I’ll text him right before we pull out.”
Keegan would’ve preferred to ride with Kerry, but he didn’t want to leave the ranch truck behind. The ordeal with Salvation Anew was finally behind them, but why risk drawing attention or retaliation from bitter followers? Kerry didn’t release his hand until they reached Keegan’s truck. He fished out the key fob and unlocked the door.
“I’ll be right behind you,” Kerry said.
Keegan didn’t need to ask where Kerry lived. He’d passed his gorgeous log cabin every time he visited Seth and Rueben. This would be the first time Keegan stepped inside Kerry’s house, and the thrill of that blocked out any of the nerves he’d normally experience. Keegan moved to open the door, but Kerry stood in his way.
“Are you sure about this?” Kerry asked. “I don’t want to pressure you.”
Keegan cupped his neck and pressed his lips to Kerry’s. “I’m not going home with you because you saved the day and I owe you. Talking is the last thing I want to do with you right now, though I understand it’s necessary.”
Kerry’s cheeks flushed with warmth, and his eyes darkened. “Sounds like you have big plans for me.”
“I’ve had big plans for you since the day we met.” The moment called for complete honesty, so he added, “But tonight proved that I may not be as ready for intimacy again as I’d thought.”
Kerry brushed his thumb over Keegan’s cheek. “I will happily wait for as long as you need me to.”
A rush of euphoria made Keegan light-headed, and he swayed for a minute.
“Are you okay to drive? I can call Seth and Rueben to come over and pick up your truck.”
Keegan shook his head. “I’m fine. I think maybe your words gave me a mini orgasm or something.”
Kerry’s lips curved into a wicked smile, and he shook his head. “Little lamb, there will be no thinking involved. You’ll know when I give you an orgasm, and there won’t be anything miniature about it.”
Keegan needed to brace his hand against the truck door. “Go now before we get in trouble.”
Kerry laughed before he pressed a quick kiss to Keegan’s forehead. “Drive carefully.”
Keegan climbed into the cab and locked his door. He waited for Kerry to get into his truck before he started the engine and eased out of the parking spot. As promised, Kerry followed him at a safe distance. His presence was there but not looming or threatening. Keegan didn’t replay their conversation or relive anything that had happened. He sure as hell didn’t let his imagination run wild on what could happen once they reached Kerry’s house. Keegan kept his thoughts on the drive and his senses on high alert while navigating the winding mountain road. He breathed a sigh of relief once he pulled into Kerry’s driveway, but the reprieve only lasted until Kerry parked beside him. Keegan had wanted this for so long, and now he feared he might blow it. His thoughts whirled, and he kind of zoned out until a knock sounded on the driver’s side window. Keegan blinked Kerry’s worried face into focus and smiled. He’d rather take a swing and miss than wonder forever what could’ve happened if he’d just been brave enough. Keegan killed the engine and got out of the truck.
“Are you—”
Keegan pressed his lips to Kerry’s, preventing him from asking him one more time if he was sure about something. He didn’t linger long and smiled at the big man’s bemused expression.
“I was going to ask if you’re hungry, but okay,” Kerry said.