Page 21 of The Beautiful Mess

“So say it,” Sven said from the other side of the kitchen wall.

“Sven!” Aunt Debbie cried. “Get back in here and leave them alone!”

“Damn it,” Sven groused.

Kerry looked over his shoulder and considered waiting until they were alone again, but that hadn’t worked so well for him. Maybe having an audience nearby would help him keep his sanity. “I find myself in troubled waters, and I’m not sure how to navigate them.”

Keegan’s posture softened, and he eased a little closer. “That makes two of us.”

“I’m sorry for saying anything that upset or confused you.”

“So you’re not sorry for thinking those things, but you’re sorry for saying them.” Keegan pursed his lips and nodded. “Good to know.”

A snarl of frustration caught in Kerry’s throat, and he swallowed it down. He took a deep breath to settle his nerves. There were all kinds of delicious aromas in the kitchen, but Keegan’s signature sunshine scent was his favorite. “Yeah, look, I am sorry for thinking stupid shit too. I didn’t mean to imply that I’m some massive force of masculinity you can’t resist. I don’t think one night in my bed will keep you jonesing for more for the rest of your life.”

Keegan barked out a short laugh, lowered his head, and pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’re not helping.”

Kerry stepped back and pondered what he’d said wrong this time. “I should just stop talking. I can never say the right things around you.”

Keegan cocked his head and studied him. “It never used to be that way. Why is it different now?”

All Kerry could do was shrug. “Troubled waters.”

Keegan nodded. “Think maybe we could build a bridge and get over them?”

Kerry didn’t really have a choice if he wanted to keep Keegan in his life. “Definitely.” His answer earned a genuine smile, and the pressure in Kerry’s chest eased up. He’d just have to fake his enthusiasm about Keegan’s big date.

“We better get back out there. It’s probably taken all of them to hold Sven back,” Keegan teased.

More than one pair of feet fought for traction on the other side of the kitchen wall as nosy family members scampered away before getting caught. Kerry would place money on the culprits being Sven, Debbie, and Lucinda, but the busybodies were too fast for him to catch. Everyone looked deep in conversation by the time they rejoined the family in the living room.

Lucinda searched their expressions as she stood up. “Guess I’ll finish putting dinner together,” she said.

“I’ll help,” Keegan said.

“Me too,” Sven and Debbie echoed.

“I need help setting the table,” Lucinda told them.

“Fine,” Debbie said, “but I’ll need you to speak up so I can hear your conversation. Years in the restaurant business has left me hard of hearing.” Kerry snorted. She could hear a frog fart from two thousand yards away. “I heard that, Kerry,” she said to prove his point.

Keegan’s favorite meal was Kerry’s too. The chicken and stuffing casserole was something his mom had learned to throw together quickly on a busy weeknight, but the dish tasted like it had taken all day to make. She always served it with mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables, and buttery rolls. Normally Kerry savored every bite, but he didn’t taste a single thing as he hung on every word his family drew from Keegan’s beautiful mouth.

“His name is Danny Rodgers,” Keegan said.

Sven leaned in close and whispered, “Have Dom run a background check.”

“You ask him,” Kerry fired back.

Oblivious to their conversation, Keegan continued. “He’s a few years older than me and works in insurance sales.”

“Half a step above a used car salesman,” Deb whispered from Kerry’s other side. “You still have a chance.”

Kerry shoved a large forkful of casserole in his mouth instead of replying to her.

“He wants to have four kids, two dogs, and a cat,” Keegan said.

And Kerry’s food lodged in his throat. He coughed until his eyes watered and his nose ran, but he finally dislodged the lump and swallowed it. Sven pounded on his back while Deb handed him a glass of water. “I’m fine,” he rasped between sips. “You can stop using this as an excuse to hit me.”