Sven clutched his chest and batted his long eyelashes. “Me?”
“Yes, you,” Rue said. “Let Keegan make his own decisions and steer his own course. He’s had enough people trying to control and manipulate his journey to last him three lifetimes. Kee doesn’t need that from you.” When Sven protested, Rueben cut him off with a wave. “What feels helpful to you might feel stifling to him.”
Sven searched Keegan’s eyes for several moments, sighed, and nodded his agreement. “I’ll be on my best behavior from now on.” A tiny smile tugged at his lips. “Besides, the train has left the station and is chugging full steam ahead to happily ever after.”
Keegan’s heart thundered like a locomotive at the mere thought of something special brewing between Kerry and him. The good intentions he gripped in his hand turned to sand and sifted through his fingers.
Rueben blew out a breath and shook his head. “I tried, Kee.”
“And I appreciate the effort.” Keegan wouldn’t hold his breath that Sven’s ceasefire would last long.
The diner door opened, and Lucinda walked to the front counter, where a server greeted her with a smile. Kerry didn’t look a thing like his petite, blonde mother, but Natalie had been her spitting image. The server pointed to their table, and Lucinda followed her gesture. Her light blue eyes met Keegan’s and lit up with recognition seconds before she headed toward their table.
Rueben whistled softly. “Wow, she is happy to see you.”
Sven turned his upper body to see who Rueben was talking about, then smiled smugly. “Told you so.”
“My boys,” Lucinda said, opening her arms wide, though they would’ve slid out of the booth to hug her without the encouragement. “You’ve made my day.” She hugged Sven first and ensured he was enjoying a much-deserved day off. Sven worked as a stylist at Lucinda’s salon, and his services were in high demand. He only allowed himself one Saturday off a month, and Keegan was humbled that Sven had spent it with him at art therapy. “Rue,” she exclaimed, cupping his face. “You get more handsome every time I see you. Marriage really suits you.” Then, it was Keegan’s turn to say hello. “Keegan,” Lucinda said reverently. She took his hands in hers and squeezed. “I love you so much it hurts sometimes.”
Emotion clogged Keegan’s throat. If he could have torn his gaze away from Lucinda’s, Keegan knew Sven would be wearing a smug expression. “I love you too.”
“You better, because I’m keeping you,” Lucinda said before she dropped his hands. “I better pick up my carryout order and head back to the salon. My break between clients isn’t very long today.”
“Are there any updates on Kerry’s lawsuit?” Rue asked.
She smiled and kissed his cheek. “Steven and Kerry were holed up in the war room when I left. I know they have Dom working on the case since they can’t see Vinny until Monday. Kerry texted me a little while ago and said he was headed to the rescue station to stay busy. That’s better for him than watching aJurassic Parkmovie marathon and eating his weight in buttered popcorn and M&M’s.”
Sven visibly tensed, and the smugness drained from his expression. “Did you say Dom?”
Lucinda looked at him with a puzzled expression. “Surely you haven’t forgotten Kerry’s best friend. You used to follow them around like a little puppy.”
Sven smiled, but the gesture looked forced. “Of course I do.”
“Dom went over to Kerry’s house last night as soon as he heard about the lawsuit.” She reached for Keegan’s hand again. “I’m so glad my son has such wonderful people in his life.”
That time, Keegan caught Sven’s smug expression. He was tempted to ask questions about this Dom guy just to wipe the arrogance off Sven’s face. Maybe he should bring the guy up every time Sven poked his nose into Keegan’s business.
“Are you coming to family dinner tomorrow night?” Lucinda asked Keegan.
“Um, I’m not sure.” Despite Kerry’s denial, Keegan still felt like he was underfoot. Kerry needed one Keegan-free zone in his life.
“He’ll be there,” Sven said.
Lucinda’s light blue eyes twinkled merrily. “Maybe the newlyweds will join us,” she said to Rueben.
“Maybe,” he replied noncommittally.
She kissed the air, spun on her heels, and strolled to the counter, where her order waited for her. Lucinda paid for her meal and waggled her fingers in their direction as she headed back out the door.
“Mama Lulu is planning your wedding to her son,” Sven announced.
“She is not.” Keegan looked to Rueben for help, but his best friend only shrugged. “Are you guys finished eating, or do you want dessert?”
None of them had room for sweets, so they headed up to the counter to pay for their meals. Keegan went first and stepped aside after he finished to make room for the others. The owners had hung a corkboard by the register so local businesses could advertise their goods and services. One colorful ad caught Keegan’s eye, and his stomach dropped when he recognized the name at the top. “Dahl Rescue and Retrieval,” he read aloud.
Sven snapped his head around so fast it was a wonder he didn’t wrench his neck. “What the—” He let out a gasp when he saw the ad. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Fucking Chuck.” He finished up his transaction, then stomped over to the board and ripped the ad right off. “I don’t fucking think so. Come on.” He shoved the door open and hauled ass down the sidewalk without making sure Keegan and Rueben followed.
“He’s my ride,” Keegan said. He’d ridden to town with Rueben, but Sven volunteered to drive him home afterward so Rueben wouldn’t have to double back before going home to his husband.