Page 40 of The Beautiful Mess

Keegan froze with his briefs in midair. The desire to do just that was clear in his expressive eyes, yet the set of his mouth told Kerry his answer before Keegan could respond. He sighed longingly and said, “I can’t. I have things I need to tackle at the ranch before I work a shift at the Feisty Bull tonight.” Keegan stepped into his underwear and pulled them up his long legs. He turned and smiled at Kerry. “And you need to get some sleep. You look exhausted.”

“I am.” But it didn’t negate his disappointment that Keegan wouldn’t be there when he woke up. “Will you eat breakfast with me before you leave?”

Keegan’s brilliant smile made the sun look like a slacker. “I’d love that.”

Kerry tugged on a pair of sweats but didn’t bother with a T-shirt. He sat on the bed and watched Keegan redress, resenting each new article of clothing that covered his gorgeous body. This was completely fresh territory for Kerry, and it felt like navigating uneven terrain. It would take him a while to find his footing, but he was determined to do this right. He stood up when Keegan finished and crossed the room.

“You’re not going to put on a shirt?”

Kerry cocked a brow and tugged Keegan close. “Do you need me to?”

“Won’t you get cold?”

“I’m hot-blooded.” He playfully nipped at Keegan’s throat. “Like a wolf.” He added a growl when Keegan laughed at his antics. “And you still look tasty.”

A scraping noise came from downstairs. “What’s that?” Keegan asked.

It took Kerry’s sluggish brain a few seconds to figure it out. He bolted out of the bedroom and yelled, “Betty! Don’t you dare!” The ominous sound occurred again when Kerry was halfway down the staircase. He took the remaining treads two at a time and vaulted onto the hardwood floor. The kitchen came into view when he rounded the corner. Betty sat on the island with her paw pressed against the basket. She’d already scooted it so half of the basket hung over the side of the marble countertop. One more good push and it would topple over. Betty’s expression could only be described as spiteful when their eyes met. Kerry had seen this look at least once a day since he brought her home as a kitten, and he ran faster. “Don’t you—”

Betty gave the basket a shove, and it toppled off the counter. Kerry lunged forward and snagged it seconds before the basket crashed to the floor. He stood up to address his dastardly feline, but she was nowhere in sight.


“Hello, beautiful,” Keegan cooed. “Why is your daddy yelling at you?”

Kerry spun around to find his cat winding around Keegan’s legs. She purred loud enough for him to hear it across the house. Betty stood on her haunches and placed her paws on Keegan’s upper thighs. She didn’t do a full stretch with Keegan because he was still a stranger to her, but she was making a big overture. Keegan reached out a hand and let her sniff it. Betty seemed to check out each finger before she headbutted his palm. Keegan glanced at Kerry as if seeking encouragement, and he nodded, knowing Betty was on the verge of adding another adoring member to her fan club.

“Oh my goodness,” Keegan gushed. “You are so beautiful, Betty. Your fur is so soft, and your eyes are so pretty.”

Kerry snorted and earned reproachful glares from both Keegan and Betty. “She’s a tyrant. Don’t let her fool you. We were mere seconds away from having our breakfast destroyed.”

Betty purred louder and kept pressing her head against Keegan’s fingers. She closed her eyes in a blissful expression that made Kerry jealous.What the fuck was happening?Getting jealous of other men was one thing, but his cat?

“I don’t believe him for a second, sweetheart,” Keegan cooed.

Kerry turned his attention to unpacking the food from the basket instead of trying to persuade Keegan. Besides, he hoped Keegan would spend a lot of time here, and he wanted Betty to like his favorite human almost as much as Kerry did. The food aromas made his mouth water. “Do I smell blueberries?”

Arms slid around his waist seconds before Keegan pressed his body against Kerry’s. “Mmhmm. Blueberry lemon crumble muffins. I found the recipe, and Harry made them this morning.”

“You eat like this all the time?” Kerry asked, gesturing to the bounty.

Keegan poked his head out from under Kerry’s arm. “Yes, but we work it off. Well, the crew does. I mostly push paper around and fill in where I’m needed. I’d pack on the pounds if I didn’t work out and box regularly.” He dropped his arms and stepped back. “Where do you keep your plates?”

“In the cabinet above the dishwasher.” Kerry opened the drawer in the island where he kept the silverware and serving utensils. “There are insulated packs in here to keep the food warm, but I can heat it up more if you’d like.”

Keegan set two plates on the island. “Nah. Liberating sex and a joyful orgasm has made me famished.”

Gesturing to the food, Kerry said, “You go first. My crew went out for a big breakfast at the Greasy Spoon after we cleared the accident.”

Keegan didn’t put up an argument. He loaded his plate and scooted a stool back from the island.

“Don’t wait for me,” Kerry said when it looked like he would do just that. “Do you want coffee from the thermos, or would you like something else? I have milk, orange juice, and water.”

“Orange juice, please.”

Kerry filled two juice glasses, then filled his plate. He sat down beside Keegan and smiled at his half-empty plate. Damn, he hadn’t been teasing about his ravenous appetite. Pride swelled in Kerry’s chest, and he leaned over to kiss Keegan without thinking about it.

Keegan turned wide eyes on him. “Hi.”