“Haven’t seen him. He doesn’t go anywhere without someone with him. Antonio’s here, Sean’s here, I’m here. The people working tonight are accounted for.”
I stare at Lorcan and whisper, “Bodies in the field.”
Both of them race out the double doors to the field, and I’m at the rear. Did the bureau kill him? Take him in? Leave him for dead? We head to different bodies, guns drawn in case the person isn’t dead or seriously injured.
There’s a chorus of “no” across the field as we each realize Finn isn’t among the people left for dead.
“His room?” I call to Lorcan.
He nods and tips his head at Ian. “Go find Sean. See if he’s found anything.” Ian jogs back into the house. “Kim?” Lorcan heads for the side door.
“I’ll follow you in. Just going to check for any identification on these bodies.” They’re dressed like Zhang’s men, but I need to be sure.
He gives me one last look before disappearing into the house, feet pounding on the concrete floor.
After I’ve checked the three bodies, I pause in the middle of the field, staring at the garden shed at the back of the property. Did Ian check it? Something about it calls to me, and uneasiness slithers along my spine.
Drawing my gun again, I head to the shed, keeping alert for any signs of movement. The closer I get, the more my heart thumps in my chest. I’m not seeing anything out of the ordinary, but it’s dark, and that inner voice is whispering something is very wrong.
When I get to the shed, I open the door, gun poised at the ready. It’s empty, not even any lawn maintenance equipment in it. As I’m backing out, a shuffling to my right kicks my heart up a notch. I whirl, gun raised.
“Kimmy,” Finn drawls, his shoulder pressed into the corner of the shed. His hand cradles his stomach. It’s too dark where he is to see him clearly.
I ease my gun lower. “Finn. What are you doing out here? Zhang’s men are gone. Someone broke them out.”
He chuckles but there’s an unusual strain to it. His shoulders rise and a dry, hacking cough follows. “Someone? The FB—fucking—I.”
“What?” I glance behind me, wondering if Lorcan will follow me out here. “The FBI? I don’t understand.”
“You know the only person they dragged into their helicopter back here?”
“Not you, obviously.”
“Murray.” He coughs again. “Or should I say… Malik.”
Even though my insides are squeezing me, pushing me to do something rash before he pulls the trigger, I laugh. “The one you hired to follow Lorcan was an FBI agent? You sure know how to pick them. Are you hurt? You don’t sound good.”
I step forward, but he raises his gun. He’s still leaning on the edge of the shed.
“You know what he said.” Finn coughs. “As he was being dragged into the helicopter?”
Unwilling to answer, I stare at him.
“He said, ‘Don’t leave Kimi behind’.”
“He knows who I am, Finn. We met at the bar, again in the alley. We had a whole conversation in the room yesterday when you two took a break from torturing him. He said my name. Big deal.”
He gives a sharp shake of his head and wipes his mouth with his hand. A smear of blood appears on his face. He’s bleeding. With narrowed eyes, I see where he’s been clutching his stomach is dark, too dark.
“I can help you, Finn. You’re injured. Delirious.”
“It was the way he said your name. Kimi.” Another round of hacking coughs erupts in the darkness. “It’s not how I say it.” His breathing is labored. “It’s kinda how Lorcan would say it if he called you that. Like your namemattered.”
“You’re going to bleed out. You want to talk about how one of Zhang’s men had a crush on me?”
With a grunt, he pushes himself off the edge of the shed and shuffles forward, gun raised, but far from steady. “Not—not Zhang’s man. FBI.” He takes another faltering step. “Him. You. FBI.”
Raising my gun is the smart move, but I can salvage this. I know it. He’s barely conscious and shaky on his feet.