Page 82 of Retribution

“You work fine with Finn.”

“He’s not pissed at me. Least not anymore. I’m pissed at him. ’Tis not the same.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It matters to me. It matters a hell of a lot when I see you sidled up to my brother like a horse in heat.”

I scrunch my face, stuck on the visual. “Horses sidle up to each other when they’re in heat? I didn’t know that.”

Lorcan lets out a grunt of frustration.

“You can’t be angry with me about that. You hired me to do what I was doing in the hallway.”

“Didn’t think you were actually doing it.”

“Of course I am!”

“I don’t like it.”

“Too bad.”

“I hired you to do that, I can fire you from doing that.”

“Suits me fine.” I throw up my arms and go to the walk-in closet to pull out my suitcase. I toss it on the bed and unzip it.

“What are you doing?”

“You fired me.” Taking a large armful of clothes from my dresser drawers, I chuck them into the suitcase.

“From seducing Finn, not from finding my father’s killer.”

“Well, if you’re going to tie my hands in how I can get information, it’s probably best you fire me.”

“You’re being irrational.” Lorcan moves to the bed and flips the lid on my suitcase so when I throw the next load of my things in that direction they scatter on top of the suitcase and across the bed.

“A man’s first line of defense and offense—call the woman irrational. You know what’s irrational? Showing up at my door in the middle of the night to fire me. That’s irrational.”

“I’m not firing you from the job. I’m firing you from sleeping with Finn.”

“I can sleep with Finn if I want…” I glance at Lorcan and then away. “Or not. My body, my choice.”

We are mere inches apart. My breathing is heavy, labored as though I’ve been doing more than packing. His hazel eyes, when I look up, are darkened with desire. The things I wish for when I look at him can’t be said aloud.

“Choose me,” he murmurs.

“I can’t.” Everything in me strains to give in.

“Why are you mad at me?”

I close my eyes, unable to look at him. “I want you to be better. Better than you are. I know that’s not fair. I thought maybe you were decent, and it turns out you’re just like your brother.” My voice is a whisper now, and the words spill from me. Saying this is reckless.

“I’ll put a stop to the trafficking.”

I open my eyes and our gazes connect. “Finn will be pissed.”

“He’ll understand why I did it.”

“Ah.” I take a step back, prepared to close myself off. “We’re back to that again.”