Page 70 of Retribution

Unsnapping the gun from under the bed, I cross to the door and ease it back, the gun poised in my hand.

When the petite Asian woman looks up, there’s a smirk on her face. “I’m here to clean up your mess.”

“Oh, I’m generally pretty tidy.” Annoyance seeps into my voice.

“Not lately.” Dai Qing slips into the room when I step back.

Closing the door behind her, I press my back into the wood. The risk she’s taking right now sparks a touch of admiration in me. That’ll only stick if she doesn’t get me killed with this stunt.

“Do I need to sweep?” She’s not scanning the floor as she checks the corners of the room for cameras.

“It’s clean. I sweep it regularly.”

She drops the pail with a clatter. “At least you’re careful in that respect.”

“Well, you coming here doesn’t exactly help me out. How the hell did you get in here?” I hiss.

Dai Qing gives me a disgusted look. “Please. Petite Asian woman on a cleaning crew? No one batted an eye.”

“If Lorcan or Finn see you, they’ll ask or notice. I’m sure of it.”

“We’re covered up. No need to worry. As far as they know, I work for the company. I’ve even cleaned up some of their mess already. Might not be to the proper standards. What do I know? I have someone clean my own house for God’s sake.”

Annoyance flares in me, and I shove it back down. “Why are you here?”

“To clean upyourmess. Seriously. Shooting people in a residential neighborhood? Do you know how many nosy people have cameras mounted outside their homes now? We got an alert when your face was picked up by a local police facial identification scan. We shut that shit down, but we shouldn’t have to, Kim.”

I stare at her, annoyed. “It couldn’t be helped. I didn’t kill them, just maimed them.”

“Nonetheless, they’re dead. You didn’t tell anyone.”

“I’ve been kinda busy. SOS. Malik. Carys was here. Finn and Lorcan are running circles around me with the games they’re playing.”

“You enjoy having men circle you.”

“Sure, I’m the kettle, but that makes you the—”

“Your best hope at getting out of this assignment alive. You should treat me that way. I’m not your enemy.”

“I can watch my own back. You worry about Malik. Don’t get him killed.”

“Why would that be happening?”

“Pretty sure we’re going to war with the Zhangs at some point.”


“Those dead guys? They were Zhang’s men.”

A smile blossoms on her face. “No, they weren’t.”

I freeze, and my gaze travels up and down her, speculating. “Finn?”

“Bingo!” Dai Qing makes a firing motion with her finger. “Yeah, looks like he hired them. I wonder why?” She taps the same finger to her lips in mock uncertainty.

“Because it’ll fire up Lorcan.” I shake my head. “I can’t diffuse this without revealing I know what happened. There’s no way I could know what you’re telling me.”

“You and I might not see eye to eye a lot of the time. But you’re better than that, Kimi. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” She glances around the bedroom and picks up her bucket. “You can clean your own damn room.”