Page 4 of Retribution

“You might be able to slip away and see your mom.”

Tension radiates through me at the mention of my mother. On the wall is a painting of a lone boat in the middle of stormy seas. Each time we’re in this room, it catches my eye. Something about it reminds me of my mother, or maybe it’s me. She’s all I have left.

“A plan?” I prompt again.

“We think Carys knows them.”

I laugh, the tension easing out of me. The whiskey burns my throat when I take a sip. “Carys knows everyone. But she’s not going to broker an introduction. Why would she hand me over or even consider giving me up?”

Malik grins and takes a long drink. “Howdo they know each other?”

“An arms deal makes sense.” The conversation with Carys about the brothers refuses to resurface from the caverns of my memory.

“And yet, that’s not it. Or at least we don’t think so. What’s near and dear to the heart of your beloved Carys?”

His tone is teasing, but it still pisses me off. I hate when he pokes my weaknesses like it’s a game.

“Kids with cancer,” I mumble. Carys funnels a lot of her money into charities which aim to treat or support childhood cancers. Her brother died from a brain tumor when they were in high school. A few months ago, we got drunk and traded dead-brother stories. Well, she got drunk. I pretended to be drunk.

“Lorcan also has a soft spot for cancer patients.” Malik tips back the rest of his drink and stares into the coffee cup. “There’s a cancer fundraiser coming up in Boston, on the cusp of being big, not there yet. We’ve asked them to highlight children’s cancers and breast cancer—that’s how his mother died. Lorcan has confirmed he’ll attend.”

“So I only have to convince Carys? Fly from Chicago to Boston on a whim?” That’s a tall order without raising suspicion.

“Not quite. We’ve arranged for her to get an invitation. You need to give her a gentle nudge. If Lorcan and Finn do escalate into a full-on war, it’ll be ripe for arms deals.”

“If she doesn’t take the bait?”

“I have no doubt you can be persuasive.” He puts his empty glass on the TV stand. “We’ll figure out a way to broker a meeting another way if you can’t make it work. We have a substantial file on the father but not on the two sons.” He nods to the duffel bag in the corner of the room. “I brought some information so you’re not going in blind.”

“The assignment goal? An arrest? War?” I stare into what’s left of my drink, swirling it around.

“No, no war. We want to avoid that. Civilian causalities would be out of control. Both brothers are prone to escalation. An arrest is best if you can get the right information, but otherwise, try to keep the situation stable. We’ll tackle whatever information you acquire.”

“You’ll stay my contact?” I glance up at him, worry eating at me. He knows and understands me better than anyone else at the bureau. His replacement would never be good enough.

“I will.” Malik smiles.

I move to him, sliding my glass onto the table beside his. “Did you want another?” My voice dips low.

We’re almost the same height, and the way I’ve lingered with my fingertips on the table means we’re inches apart. His gaze flicks from my eyes to my lips and back again.

“I’ll never say no to you.” His tone matches mine.

I shift closer, my chest grazing his. “In case I die tomorrow, I’m going to live for today.”

His lips lift into a half smile. “Have I ever told you how much I love your motto?”

“A few times.” I take in his dark features under my lashes, enjoying the hunger I see. “What are you waiting for?” I murmur. “Make me feel alive.”

It’s the only invitation he needs before his lips dip to capture mine. His hand tugs the elastic out of my hair, releasing my long dark strands. I sigh, pressing my body tight to his, the parts of him that have come to life brushing against mine. We may only do this dance every few months, but I know each step by heart.

Familiar. Easy. Safe.

All the things I usually hate.

Chapter Three

Hot pink. It’s not a color I would choose, but it goes well with the darker coloring I inherited from my father. Carys insisted on buying my dress for this function. Convincing her to come was the least of my worries. I had more trouble talking her out of the ridiculous wardrobe choices for me.