So he didn’t go alone. “How did he seem?”
“Pissed off.” He shrugs. “That’s normal for him lately. He’s constantly mad about something. Mostly that he can’t remember.”
I nod and move to go past Sean and out the door.
“And Lorcan?” he asks.
Instead of turning around, I keep my back to him. “He doesn’t need him for this.” I disappear out the entryway and into the dark of the early-morning hours.
It’s an easy drive to the warehouse. I’ve got time to spare, and the FBI is on the way. There’s no point in going in early. Dawn is a cloak, and I park the car a few blocks away from the warehouse. A cluster of trees across the street keeps me hidden well enough to watch for any traffic coming and going from the building. To pass the time, I take out a few of my weapons and double-check they’re ready to fire and easy to access in a hurry. I yank my hair out of its ponytail and then do it again but tighter. The last thing I need is hair in my face while I’m trying to take a shot.
I’m checking my watch again when a black SUV comes tearing around the street corner and whirls into the parking lot as close to the door as possible. Hopefully, whoever it is doesn’t keep the vehicle there. It’ll make it difficult for the agents to access the entrance. I step into the shadows until the driver’s door swings open and familiar jean-clad legs and a brown-blond head emerge.
My heart kicks up a notch as Lorcan exits the SUV and rounds the hood, pulling out one of his guns. I leave the safety of my spot, and I’m about to call out to him when the door to the warehouse blows open and a hand yanks him into the building.
A noise of distress catches in the back of my throat. I take out a gun from inside my coat and circle the building to a rear entrance. Finn has Lorcan.
At the door, I wiggle the handle. It’s locked. Taking out my lock-pick set, I slide the pieces into place and listen to the lock tumble open. Easing down on the handle, I slip inside, gun drawn.
“Where the fuck is she, Finn?” Lorcan’s voice booms through the empty warehouse.
Sean said Finn took five or six men. They could be anywhere in here. My senses are on high alert.
“For the second fucking time, she’s not here. You’re a paranoid fuck.” Finn’s voice bounces around, his annoyance clear. “Go home, little brother. This meeting’s got nothing to do with you.”
“Who are you meeting?”
“Bullshit. Where’s the table? This isn’t a meeting, it’s an execution.”
There’s a brief pause, and I move along the hallway, trying to get closer to the open space beyond the block of offices without getting caught. Goose bumps rise on my arms at the silence between the two men. Something Lorcan said has got Finn thinking. That can’t be good.
“Why the fuck would I execute Kimi?” There’s a shuffling of feet.
Kimi.He knows. He knows something.
Lorcan’s sigh is loud with frustration.
I need to get eyes on him, on this, before things go sour. He’s tired of the lies. Confronting Finn when he’s outnumbered six to one isn’t smart. I pray Lorcan can keep his emotions in check. He can’t admit to him he knows who I am, what I am, or else he’ll be signing his own death warrant.
“Come on,deartháir beag. Tell me why I’d want to kill Kimi.” Finn’s voice is low and menacing.
There’s not a doubt in my mind he realizes the truth. Now he’s trying to figure out how deep the betrayal goes.
I check my watch. It’s too early for the FBI to be here. But I can’t let Lorcan sink himself.
Removing one of my guns and emerging out from the safety of my spot, I focus on Finn. “I have proof you killed your father.”
He whirls on me, gun drawn. A dark chuckle escapes him. “What? No front door? You knew you were in trouble.” He gestures above him with his free hand where a couple of men are stationed with guns trained on us.
Two men appear on either side of me and reach for my weapons. I tamp down my urge to fight them. Instead, I give in. One of them secures me with my arms behind my back. It doesn’t matter. I can’t watch Lorcan get shot, and if we descend into chaos, there’s a good chance he’ll get hurt.
Lorcan’s nostrils flare. Fury licks at every part of him when his gaze connects with mine.
“I thought there was a chance Hagen would call you, yeah.” I shrug. “The jig is up.”