“Danny and his crew are out combing the scene now,” Dad says.
I read the expression on my parents' faces.
“You think Aaron had something to do with this?”
“Don’t you?” Dad asks.
“Honesty, I haven’t had time to think. Yes, when I thought someone was following me or close by, I did think of Aaron. But they’re public trails with hikers and horses. I knew the bear’s behavior was off but had no time to do anything. Even if Danny finds something, there’s no way to prove it was Aaron or anyone else.”
“That’s not necessarily true, babe. I can have Wizard search the area for cameras, including satellites. You haven’t met him yet. He’s our tech genius.”
“I’ll call him.”
“On it,” Gambit says.
I watch the club’s president step out into the hallway. I look around the room. For the first time, everyone gathered inside. It was jammed with people. People who love me. My family has grown exponentially in the last week.
A nurse comes in, sees all the people, and loses her shit.
“Out now!”
Wrath chuckles and remains where he was. His brothers, both club and biological, file out first, giving the ladies and parents time to give me a quick hug and kiss before exiting.
My eyes are too heavy to stay open and close after the last hug.
Chapter 34
Three weeks later
This cast is driving me up a wall. My skin is constantly itching, and Wrath threatened to spank my ass if I didn’t stop scratching it. Nay came to the rescue with the perfect scratcher. With a nurse approved scratcher in hand, Wrath couldn’t say anything. I went to town, trying to relieve the insistent itch.
I’m currently sitting in the living room of one of the small houses on the compound. It was ours for now until our house is built. We’ve had a few minor bumps adjusting to married life. My broken leg isn’t helping. I’ve been in a lot of pain.
“What are you doing, Nightingale?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?”
“You’re going to scratch your leg raw.”
“Nay gave me this scratcher. If this thing doesn’t stop itching, I’m going to cut it off.”
I admit to using a wire hanger when I thought no one was looking.
“The cast or your leg?” he asks with a wry smile.
“Yes,” I say in exasperation.
“My poor sweet girl.” He hands me a green gummy. “Here, maybe this will help.”
“Is that an edible?”
I take the edible. They do help. At least they take my mind off itching for a few hours. I’m not taking pain meds. I weaned myself off those after a week.
“What do you want for dinner?”