“Eek,” Charlie shrieks as she throws back the covers and makes a dash for the bathroom. I laugh and chase after her. We make it downstairs as Regina dishes out plates of French toast and scrambled eggs with sausage links, and juice.
After everyone eats, we load into Charlie’s new ride. I drive. We have six riders with us this morning. Two in front, two behind and two farther back to watch for tails. I pull into the back of the parking lot and put the cage in park.
“Before you go in, I have something for each of you.”
I hand a phone to Francesca. “This is a special phone. Keep it hidden. It will work even if there’s a jammer on.”
I open the phone and show the girls a brief sequence of keys.
“That sequence sends an SOS to me, the police and federal agents we’re working with. See something you think is odd? Send me a text or call the phone. If it’s an emergency or something happens, that scares any of you, use the SOS sequence.”
I hand Valentina a metal-looking stick.
“Break any part of this and it will emit a sound ten times louder than a car alarm. It’s based on a first responder's alarm. If you get in trouble, or something happens and you get lost, use it.”
Lucia gets a tiny flashlight. It’s a little over two-inches.
“It’s small but mighty. Use this if you want to blind someone. It’s bright enough you can flash it in someone's eyes in full daylight and still blind them for a few seconds.
“I hope I’m not scaring you. I want you to be safe and have a few surprises up your sleeve should something happen outside the compound.”
I give them a few minutes to ask questions and settle their nerves before pulling into the drop-off line.
I’M A NERVOUS WRECK. I don’t know why. I’ve sent the girls off to school every school day since pre-school. I have this gut feeling that I can’t shake.
Wizard is holed up in his room trying to find a connection between my previous dentist and Petrov or Barnes. According to Bug’s latest information. Petrov and Barnes have worked together for two decades. When they started Petrov was a goon in the organization with no power but a lot of muscle.
Both Wizard and Bug are scouring the web and using their resources to put all the pieces together. I assume the marshals are using their resources as well. We all want Petrov and Barnes to go down. The plan is to not only take out those two, but as many men as work with them as possible. The more we take out in one fell swoop, the safer the girls and I are.
“You’re going to wear a hole in the floor.”
I turn to see a very pregnant Stormy standing behind me.
“Hi, sorry.”
“No need to apologize. Do you want to come into my office for coffee or tea?”
“Yes, please.”
I follow Stormy in the office. It has a small kitchenette on one wall. Stormy points to the coffeepot and the row of tea selections beside it. I peruse the selection of tea.
“Help yourself,” she says.
I choose one called ‘peaceful warrior,’ load the tea ball and fill a mug with the hot water on tap. My phone pings; it's the special phone.
Shots fired
Oh, my god.
“Shots fired at school,” I say as I run out of the room and make a mad dash to Wizard’s room. He has the entire school wired with cameras. When I reach his room, I throw open the door and race inside. I hear him on the phone giving information then barking orders. I’ve never heard him bark at anyone. He finishes the call and is up out of the chair and to me in record time.
“Bug is on his way here to run the command center. I’m going to go get our girls.”
“I want to go.”
“I know, Spitfire, but my brothers and I have military training. We stand a better chance of doing this without civilians no matter how good you are in a fight. And I know you are.”