“Don’t ignore me, bitch.”
After I finish telling the employee my order, I turn and look at Barnes.
“Does your constituency know you speak to women that way?”
Before he can reply, Mayhem returns.
“Is this the right coffee?”
I look at the bag and nod my head. “Yes, perfect. Thank you.”
“Is douche in a suit bothering you?”
“No, I’m mostly ignoring him.”
From the corner of my eye, I glance at Dipshit’s face. He’s turning red. I can tell he’s seconds from exploding. Havoc interrupts Barnes’ next vocal outburst, arriving with his arms full.
“I found a bunch of stuff I want to try.”
I laugh when he dumps it in the cart before digging out the items I sent him for and showing them to me.
“You found them all. Excellent. You can follow me to the guest house after I make a pit stop.”
The butcher hands me the order wrapped in brown paper. He gave me a smile. “Anything else I can do for you, ma’am?”
When he asks, his eyes dart to Barnes and back to me.
“I’m good, thank you. Have a blessed Sunday.”
The three of us turn and walk away, ignoring a sputtering Barnes and a smiling butcher.
“Thank you, both. It was a lot of fun riling him up.”
“Any time. We’ll escort you home, then report to Gambit while you talk to Wizard,” Havoc says.
“Thank you again. Please come to the guesthouse when you're done with Gambit.”
“We’ll be there. Let’s get you home,” Mayhem says.
Unlike most prospects, the twins have call signs from their days in the military. The club voted to let them keep the names while prospecting and should they become brothers. I could tell the triplets apart, but not always these two. Thankfully, they have name patches. Their names are yellow instead of white, like the fully patched brothers.
Mayhem walks in front of me while Havoc takes up the rear with the cart. They get me in the Jeep, load the groceries and get on their sleds. The streets are busier but not enough to slow my drive back to the compound. Flea lets me in. He pissed Smoke off at last night’s party, he had to man the gate immediately. Atthe time, he had a hottie waiting for him. All this according to the twins. He’s still on gate duty.
On the drive home, it hit me. How the hell did Barnes find me? It’s not like he frequents Italian markets. He's having me followed or bugged. If I’m bugged, what is it? I make an immediate catalog of things that are with me every day.
By the time I’m in the elevator, I’m in full-blown panic mode. There’s nothing I wear every time. I change out watches, shoes, clothes, etc., daily. Call it an occupational hazard.
Chapter 40
Iwake up to find Charlie’s side of the bed cold. A note on her pillow. I pick up the note and read it.
Ma needs stuff.
I’ll pick up breakfast.
Be back as soon as I can.