Page 65 of The Holiday Games

But I don’t need Hollywood or reality television or a writing gig on a sketch show like the ones I loved as a younger man.

All I need is her, my girl, my other half, my best friend.

As I cup her breasts in my hands, worshipping her nipples with my mouth as she sinks down on my cock, every slick, sweet inch of her a miracle I vow never to take for granted, I’m whole. With Caroline rocking on top of me, her silky hair falling around my face and her soft moans like a choir of angels in my ears, I lack nothing. I could live on her kiss, leap mountains in a singlebound fueled only by the memory of her pussy gripping me tight as she comes.

“Leo! Oh God, Leo. Damn, you feel so good,” she cries, clinging to me as her body pulses around my cock.

I roll on top of her, devouring every sexy sound spilling from her lips as I urge her legs tighter around my waist. I take her harder, deeper, promising with every thrust of my hips that I’m hers and she’s mine and I’m never going to leave her lonely again.

I come an embarrassingly short time later, crying out her name as my cock jerks inside her. “Sorry,” I pant, kissing her forehead. “I’ll last longer next time.”

“You did just fine,” she says, smoothing my hair from my forehead with a dreamy smile. “I certainly have no complaints.”

“No?” I ask, grinning down at her as she giggles.

“No. I’m all good. I feel a little drunk, honestly. Can you get drunk on orgasms?”

“I don’t know,” I say, arching a brow as I slide lower, moving beneath the covers. “Why don’t we find out?”

I spend the next fifteen minutes swearing fealty to her pussy with my mouth, making her come until her thighs are trembling on either side of my face.

“Break,” she finally pants, tugging gently at my hair. “I need a break. It’s too much. Too much goodness.”

Poking my head out from under the covers, I demand, “Too much goodness? I don’t think that’s a thing, Caroline.”

She glances down at me, shaking her head with a rush of breath. “Look at you. You’re like a Viking after a raid, all flushed and triumphant.”

I grin. “Are you saying I ransacked your pussy and set fire to your outbuildings?”

She laughs. “Yes! Then you plundered the ashes for treasure.”

“And I found it.” I rise over her, kissing her throat, sighing at the feel of her pulse thudding solidly against my lips. Every breath, every beat of her heart feels like a miracle. I’ve never been so grateful for the simple fact that another person is alive and lying next to me. And if that isn’t reason enough to throw caution to the wind, I don’t know what is. “Let’s get married.”

“When? Tomorrow?”

“Yes,” I say, rolling onto my side and tucking her against me. “Tomorrow sounds good.”

“Might be hard to find a justice of the peace on Christmas Day with a snowstorm rolling in.”

I grunt. “Then the next day.”

“How about New Year’s Eve? That gives us a little more time to plan and convince my parents this isn’t wildly impulsive. And my mom will want to plan a big meal. She loves a wedding brunch.”

I lift my head, gazing down at her in the dim light from the bathroom. “Are you serious? Areweserious?”

“I think we are,” she murmurs, with a sweet smile that goes straight to my heart. “What’s the worst that can happen? We crash and burn six months in after having lots of wild, passionate sex?”

“Never.” I shake my head. “Six months won’t be nearly enough. I’m going to need you for a lot longer than that.”

“Like…forever, maybe?”

“Forever might get close,” I whisper, kissing her slow and deep.

We make love again before adjourning to the swankiest bathroom I’ve ever seen, where we run a bath in the giant jacuzzi overlooking the back of the inn. We soak in the hot bubbles, watching the snow begin to fall, and I start to think maybe small-town life wouldn’t be so bad.

“I could get used to this,” I say, rubbing my thumb deeper into the arch of her foot beneath the water. “Should I make plans to move up here? We could look for a place close to the inn and your parents, maybe?”

Caroline smiles. “Hell, no. New York City, baby. I’ll start packing my bags tomorrow.”