But soon, maybe. The way she beams up at me, trust and warmth in her gaze, as she whispers, “Me, too,” assures me I’m not alone on this crazy train. Caroline is right here with me. And if we’re both feeling the same thing, maybe it isn’t crazy.
Maybe it’s just…meant to be.
I pull her coat tighter across her chest. “But you should head back to the hotel before it gets any later. We’ve been out here for hours. Let me call you a car.”
“No way,” she says. “I’m staying until we find him. I swear, I have a feeling he’s close.”
I grunt. “Maybe, but it’s almost midnight. Even if you head back right now, Millie’s going to wonder why you’re dragging in so late.”
“Not necessarily. I told her I was meeting up with an old friend from college. Old friends sometimes go for drinks and stay out until midnight.” She lifts her fist to her lips, fighting a yawn. “I mean, I’ve never done it myself, but fun people do. Millie doesn’t know that I’m not fun yet.”
“You’re the most fun.”
“I’m usually in bed by nine thirty,” she says, arching a brow. “Ten at the latest.”
“Hot,” I say, pulling her close again. “That means we could be in our pajamas by eight.”
“Or six,” she says, leaning into me with a grin. “Sometimes I change into my pajamas before I cook dinner, so I can have as much time in my comfy pants as possible.”
“Love comfy pants. Such easy access.” My hands drift down to her ass, squeezing it through her coat and dress. “Not as easy as a dress, but still good.”
She loops her arms around my neck. “I like the thought of PJ time with you.” She fights another yawn. “And not just because I’m tired.”
“That’s it, I’m calling a car,” I say, reaching into my coat pocket. “We have to get you in bed ASAP. You’re filming tomorrow.”
“But I don’t have to do a competition or anything,” she says. “I just have to lay on a table and get massaged. I don’t need sleep to do that. I want to stay. I hate the thought of you out here alone in the middle of the night.”
“I’ll be fine,” I say, pulling up the car service app.
“No, don’t. Seriously.” She lunges for the phone, which I easily pull out of her reach. “What about muggers? You could be robbed and shot, and I’ll never forgive myself.”
“I won’t be robbed or shot. This is a very safe neighborhood, and I’m bigger than ninety percent of muggers and thieves.” I tap the final button, confirming the ride. “There. It says Jamal will be here in…three minutes.”
She props her hands on her hips with a huff. “Bigger doesn’t matter when the other guy has a gun.”
“Safe neighborhood, remember?” I take her hand. “And I won’t stay out much longer, I promise. I don’t have to be on set as early as the contestants, but I told Ainsley I’d be there by the time the losers’ competition starts. I can’t afford to stay out all night, either.” I sigh. “And I have to find something thicker than a trash bag to cover that window until I can get someone to replace it, or my heating bill will be through the roof.”
She squeezes my fingers. “Maybe try propping some pillows against the bag or something? That way Greg could still push through and get in if he found his way home. He might get tired of the mean streets and come back on his own, you know.”
“The mean streets won’t scare Greg. He’s probably already declared himself King of Hell’s Kitchen and bullied the local strays into being his henchmen. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s formed a gang and is plotting a takeover of the fish market three blocks over as we speak.”
Caroline laughs. “I hope so.” She pauses at the curb, glancing my way. “Should we swing by the fish market really quick, maybe? I mean, if I were a cat, I’d be drawn to the smell of fish market trash.”
I shake my head. “No, you’re going to the hotel and straight to bed. I’ll check the market once you’re safely on your way.”
“Bossy, bossy,” she mutters. “What if I don’t want to go straight to bed? What if I need to take a long shower, first?”
Imagining her naked and slick with soap and water makes my voice husky as I say, “Showers are good.”
“They are.” She shifts closer, until her breasts brush against my arm, inspiring my tenth or twentieth hard-on of the day. “Especially when you touch yourself under the spray while thinking of all the things a bad man did to you in his bed earlier tonight.”
I pull her in fast and tight, making her giggle as I lift her off her feet. “You’re evil,” I say, kissing her hard. “Pure, sexy evil.”
“I learned it from Greg,” she murmurs between kisses, making me laugh and sigh and curse myself for calling that fucking car.
It arrives far too soon, pulling up to the curb just as I’m setting Caroline back on her feet.
“Text me when you’re safe in the room,” I say, nodding hello to the driver before moving to open the back door.