“I’m sorry. Please forgive me,” Caroline sobs as she backs away. “I have to go home. Now.”
She turns to go again, but this time she doesn’t run. She walks, slowly and steadily, to the end of the block. I watch her turn left and disappear from sight, feeling like I’m being torn in two. One part of me insists I should run after her and do whatever it takes to keep her by my side, even if I have to handcuff us together and throw away the key.
But the realistic half of me knows it would be pointless. I don’t understand why, but Caroline’s mind is made up. I could see it in the defeated slump of her shoulders and the misery swimming in her eyes.
It’s over.
And I didn’t even get the chance to tell her that I found Greg this morning and had a production assistant drop him off in her hotel room…
I pull my phone from my pocket, but pause with my thumb over Caroline’s number. I doubt she’ll answer a call from me right now. Not now, and maybe not ever again.
I text Ainsley instead, asking her to meet Caroline in her room and explain that she doesn’t have to take Greg with her to Vermont if she’s changed her mind about adopting my cat. I can come pick him up at the hotel later today, once the window in my apartment is fixed.
Ainsley texts back almost instantly—I’m in a meeting with the lawyer about damage control if Jenna sues. Can you find someone else?
Glancing up, I ask Jenna, “Are you going to sue? Or can I put Ainsley’s time to better use than meeting with our lawyer?”
Her pale cheeks flushing a guilty pink, Jenna shrugs. “Nah, we’re good. Sorry if I…misjudged you guys or whatever. And sorry you lost the girl. She annoyed the shit out of me, but…”
“Thanks,” I say curtly as Millie pats Jenna on the back, assuring her, “Oh, you annoyed the shit out of her, too, honey.”
“You annoy the shit out of all of us,” Eduardo seconds. “But I get it. I had a chip on my shoulder at your age, too. You should try chakra therapy. Changed my life. No more seething resentment, and I finally stopped clenching my teeth in my sleep.”
Jenna’s cheeks go from pink to red. “It’s just hard to think the best of people when so many assholes have shown you their worst.”
Millie wraps her arm around the younger woman’s shoulders, hugging her to her side. “I hear you. But we’re not like that. Neither is Caroline. So, let’s finish this show with the true meaning of the holidays in our hearts. We can fight to the death and love each other at the same time, right? I mean, why not?”
Jenna’s lips hook up. “Yeah, I can do that. At least that way I leave with friends even if I miss out on the prize money.”
Eduardo sighs. “Friends are the real prize.”
“No, money is the real prize,” Millie says. “But you’re a doll, and I want you both to come visit me in Bad Dog after I win. My Halloween party is going to rock your world.”
Eduardo and Jenna laugh.
Grace glances my way, her brows lifting in a silent question. I nod and she exhales a relieved breath.
“All right then,” she says, motioning to the camera crew. “Let’s get set up for the losers’ challenge, but with a twist. Today, the winner of that challenge gets the spa day that was booked for Caroline, and I’ll order pizza for everyone to share on the roof of the hotel tonight to celebrate a job well done. Crew included.”
As the cast and crew cheer this plan, I turn away, texting Ainsley—No need for the lawyer. The situation is contained, and Caroline is leaving the show. I just want her to know she doesn’t have to take Greg if she doesn’t want to.
Ainsley replies—All right. On it. Are you okay?
No, I want to crawl in a hole and rot. I love her. I really do.
She shoots over a sad face with a single tear slipping down its cheek.I know. Men don’t forehead kiss like that if they’re not in love. The forehead kiss is a dead giveaway. I’m so sorry, boss. Is there anything I can do? Do you want me to talk to her? Plead your case?
I move faster down the sidewalk, leaving the chaos of the set behind me.No, that’s all right. I already pled my case, and she decided to go. Just tell her I’m sorry things ended this way. And that I wish her all the happiness in the world. She deserves it.
You’re a good one, Leo,Ainsley says.Don’t lose hope. Sooner or later, you’re going to find a woman who realizes she should lock you down and hold on tight.
My stomach churns at the thought of any other woman in my life other than Caroline as I type—Thanks. Text me once you know what’s happening with Greg? So I can make plans to pick him up at the hotel if needed? The glass repair crew is coming at ten a.m. I’m headed back home to let them in now.
Will do, she promises, ending the chat with a thumbs-up emoji.
I slip my phone back into my coat pocket and walk the twenty blocks back to my apartment in a daze, arriving just in time to let the glass repair crew into my place. While they work, I grab a shit coffee from the bodega on the corner and sit on the stoop, watching the world go by.
As is often the case, New York does its best to assure me that beauty and ugliness exist in equal measure—an angry-looking teen boy with a lip piercing goes out of his way to help an old woman carry her grocery cart up the steps to her place, just as a man steps in fresh dog shit and shouts profanities at the animal’s owner.