I turn back to him, suppressing a grin as I add in mock concern, “Oh, no. Should I take it off, then?” I motion toward the other clothes hanging in the dressing area. “The brown pantsuit with the gold trim was great, too. Nice, sensible fabric, no clinging…”
His hand shoots out, wrapping around my wrist, sending electricity rampaging across my skin. My nipples tighten and my breath catches, and I know if he decides to make me a member of the “making out in dressing rooms” club, I won’t put up a fight.
Instead, he gives a sharp shake of his head. “No. Never. The dress stays on. Always.”
I fight to regain control of my hormone-addled body as I whisper, “That might get stinky after a while.”
“Never. Wool doesn’t hold odor, and you could never stink.”
I arch a brow. “My hiking club would disagree with you. After eight hours on the trail, we all get pretty gross.”
“Eight hours on the trail,” he says, nodding seriously. “That explains it.”
“Explains what?”
“Why your ass is a thing of unparalleled beauty.” He clears his throat, releasing my wrist as he adds, “I hope that didn’t cross a line.”
I shake my head. “No, it didn’t.”
Hell, it totally did, but I don’t care. I haven’t felt this confident, this beautiful, in longer than I can remember. Chris would tell me I looked nice when he picked me up for dates, but he never looked at me like this, like I’m a cross between a priceless work of art and a four-course dinner at a fancy restaurant.
Something he wants to treasure and devour, all at the same time…
And damn, do I want Leo to devour me. Treasuring is good, too, but right now, the thought of his hungry mouth fused to mine is enough to dampen the satin panties I bought at a lingerie store on the way through the mall.
I lean closer, drawn to his lips like the first sip of peppermint cocoa after months on a sugar-free diet.
We’re about to do something we’ll both regret, when a chipper voice asks— “Can I help you with anything?”—sending Leo and I startling apart.
I spin toward the petite blonde by the dressing room entrance, her hands folded over her simple, but elegant black pants. “Um, hi. Hello. What was that?”
Her smile remains fixed firmly in place. “Just wondering if I could get you another size or color? We also have that dress in bone white and black. Both are great for dressing up or down for the holidays.”
“We’ll take all three,” Leo says before I can respond. “A medium, right?”
I sputter, “Yes, but I don’t need three dresses, Leo. Not only is it extravagant, but it also feels unfair. I don’t want to pig up the show’s entire emergency budget.”
“The show won’t be paying for it,” he says, “I will. And we’re getting all three.” He cuts me off as I start to protest again, “When you find a piece of clothing that makes you look the way you look in this dress, you buy it in every color. That’s just the way it is.”
“He’s right, it looks like it was made for you,” the saleswoman says, before adding in a softer voice, “And I’m not just saying that because the commission on three dresses would be nice. Seriously, you’re breathtaking.”
“She’s right,” Leo says. “AndI’mright, and I can afford to treat you to a ‘sorry about the dog poo’ present. So, I’m going to.” Turning back to the blonde, he asks, “Do you sell boots? Something in soft leather that will be comfortable to walk in right away?”
“We do. I’ll call my associate in the shoe department and have him bring over a few options.” She cocks her head, considering me. “Black, I think? Something she can wear with all three colors?”
I prop my hands on my hips. “I feel like I should be annoyed that you two are steamrolling me. But this dress is so soft, I can’t work up the energy.”
The woman grins. “Good. Let him spoil you. That’s what the keepers do when they’re in love.”
“Honored to be called a keeper,” Leo says, pushing past the awkwardness that suddenly prickles in the air between us. “Though I confess I do have my flaws. Trying on hats and forgetting to pay for them before I walk out of a store is a big one. I’d really love to avoid setting off the alarm this time.”
“I’ll add it to your tab now and be sure to scan it for security devices before you leave,” the woman assures him, beaming. “I’ll have the shoes sent right over, as well as socks and hose to choose from.” Shifting her gaze my way again, she asks, “You’re a size seven, right?”
I curl my bare toes into the carpet. “How did you know?”
She winks. “I know things.” She points a finger at my chest. “And tea, right? Earl Grey? Touch of milk and honey? Does that sound good?”
I nod, awed. “Yes, actually. And yes, please. That sounds great.”