Rex’s confusion at Ian’s statement slowly morphed into a snarl. I didn’t understand the relationship between these two, but it seemed Ian was fond enough of him to let him hang out around us during these… big moves in the game of war.

Once Ian put his soldiers on the estate and phased out Jordan's men, everything moved quickly. Our blood farms multiplied in numbers and the estate lands now house ten.

Human blood trade between the upper families continued in the north but was cut off to the southern regions with the death of my mother. Ian assured me it was for the best. He didn’t want our power and standing to be “thinned out” over a large area, instead choosing to create a centralized stronghold where soldiers were put through training and kept at the ready.

My blood boiled every time I thought of the empire my mother was creating in the south with the use of her cunt. She traded me like chattel because she didn’t want the competition. Her hope was for the Cromwells to breed me and keep me subdued.

I would kill her again if I could. I still daydream about it when Ian lets out his fury among his men when their incompetence compromises his plans.

I never realized so many clansmen would be willing to follow a wildcard like Ian, but their greed for Mathias to be taken down outweighed their doubts. Whatever Ian had in store for Letos, it was big—possibly big enough to turn the tides of the war between the clans.

“Valka, what’s pulled your attention from me?” Ian blurted out as he ran his hand up and down my arm.

I smiled and stared at him. “Thoughts of you.”

“Ah. I figured but you know, I didn’t want to come off cocky.”

A laugh bubbled out of me, and Ian grinned while Rex rolled his eyes and grunted before getting into the driver’s seat of our car.



“Sabien, it’s so good to see you again.”

“Cut the shit, Ian. What the fuck happened to Xavier. He was sent to meet you and never returned. I’ve sent Infiltrators and Spectres out to find him, but no one from the warehouse seems to have seen anything.”

Sabien lifted his brow, accusing me.

I feigned offense and put a hand over my chest. “And you didn’t think to come ask your best for this mission?”

“Ian Voss, you are suspect number one.”

“And yet, here we are. No guards to protect you in this rendezvous. I don’t believe it. You’re pulling my chain,” I teased as I leaned into the table with my elbows. “What’s really on your mind? Why am I really here?”

Valka ran her hands over my shoulder, massaging it, communicating with me that I needed to rein in my temper. Sabien glared at her with pure hatred, and a hint of fear. My little Valka has made quite the name for herself in the clan, one I was proud of.

“I’m here to tell you that your services are no longer required,” Sabien stated firmly.

I leaned back and laughed at the absurdity of his statement. Valka ran her hand over the crook of my neck, squeezing it slightly. She wanted me to kill him. Valka wanted me to kill everyone.

She just didn’t understand that the long game gains more results.

I phased into the darkness with my infiltrator abilities, and just as quickly another one appeared behind Valka.

She quickly ducked and swept out her foot, grabbing the new dagger I gave her and plunged it into his cheek bone. He screamed and so did she as her arms continuously brought the weapon down in a sweet symphony of squelches and pops, tearing through his flesh and innards.

Her dress was soaked in crimson, the droplets running down her limbs in rivulets. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever witnessed.

And she was all mine.

Sabien stepped back from his chair slowly. I followed in the shadows until Valka looked over her shoulder seductively and licked the blood on her lips.

“You’re both marked,” Sabien declared.

I slid behind him and ran Valka’s favorite toy into his stomach from the front. He grunted, a look of pure shock on his face. He really should have been used to me by now.

“Did you know my Valka has particular talents?” I smiled.