“Good fucking God, no wonder you guys are always fucking,” Rex huffed out.

“Need I explain more, Rex? Now, give me my damn money,” Ian demanded.

“I think the driver already came in his damn pants behind his car,” came Rex’s voice again.

I watched gleefully as the light left her eyes.

“Driver! She’ll stay warm enough for the next few minutes if you need her to relieve yourself,” Ian barked out on a chuckle.

Rolling my eyes at Ian, I got to my feet and wiped my hand down my dress. Ugh, another one ruined. It was hard to find replacements in this day and time. I was lucky enough to have a seamstress among the servants. I may just have to see if there were any more among the blood farm.

“Good fucking hell, I almost busted a nut just like that poor driver over there.” Rex groaned and ran a hand down his face. He couldn’t look me in the eye. He turned and walked toward the blood farms.

“What’s wrong with him?” I asked.

“It doesn’t matter.” Ian grabbed my bloody hand and pulled me into the house.

“What about my mothe—” I started.

“Valka, baby, you have a house full of fucking cannibals without a butcher. They’ll figure something out.”

* * *

The Velvet Fangwas packed with an excessive amount of patrons today. It was quite suspicious, but I didn’t voice it to Ian who walked right through the doors with a confident swagger.

I licked my lips, staring at his new hair. We fucked like beasts in heat over the past week and I got carried away, almost ripping his braids from his scalp.

“Fucking hell, Valka. I’m going to have to cut my hair so you can’t hold onto my braids like a damn she demon riding a horse to hell.”

He was getting under my skin with his sweet words and his debauched touches. My thoughts went to his demonstration of how he would hide one of his weapons inside of his dick slit. My mouth dropped to the ground when he pushed it out. I had never craved a cock in my mouth so badly until that moment. I thought I would die if he didn’t finish down my throat.

“Valka, keep your dirty thoughts controlled. We have business to attend to,” Ian stated, raising a brow.

“How do you know it's not a trap?” I questioned him in my brattiest tone.

“It probably is. Makes it more fun, don’t you think?” he asked with a stupidly excited grin.

Rex was left to his own devices in the brothel while Ian pulled me by the hand through the halls. Men gave him a wide berth, the women gave me one. It seemed rumors of my mother’s unexpected death traveled quickly on this side of town.

“How do you even know where to go if you got rid of Xavier before he could tell you the details?” It was a question that ran through my mind the whole trip here.

“Silly little vixen. I’ve been infiltrating around Xavier for a while now. I know everything.”

We came to a closed door. Ian opened it without knocking and disappeared, leaving me standing there like a prey animal caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I mumbled under my breath, crossing the threshold and closing the door behind me. “Asshole never gives me a heads up for nothing.”

A voice came around the corner of the room. It must have been an adjoining bathroom.

The guy in front of me was over six feet tall with salt and pepper hair. The chill he brought with his presence only solidified my assumption that he was Corrus.

He stared at me with disgust, and I curled my lip, telling him I gave no fucks about what he thought about me.

“Now, now, Valka. Don’t flirt with others while I’m here.”

Ian reappeared in front of me with his arms crossed.

The other guy sighed. “Ian fucking Voss. I shouldn’t be surprised Mathias sent you instead of the man beneath him.”