I appraised her with my eyes unabashedly, watching her try her best to suppress a grin. I smelled my cum leaking out of her while we sat here and my ego grew.


“What?!” I snapped. Xavier was getting on my fucking nerves. He didn’t do shit for the clan. I glared at him as he sat there pretending to be the underboss.

“Watch your disrespect around me, boy.”

I let out a laugh, clasping my hands behind my head and tilting the chair on its back legs.

Xavier leaned into the table and snarled. “I don’t know why Mathias fucking keeps scum like you around—”

I cut him off. “It’s because idiots like you can’t liberate for shit. It’s probably why we’re still in the middle of this supposed war everyone anticipates. Yet nothing is moving.”

“There are key players that need to be moved.”

He was probably talking out of his ass. I wouldn’t know how since there always seemed to be a stick up there.

“We’ve moved plenty. It’s time to go in for the kill.”

Xavier bolted upright, knocking his chair to the ground. Rex’s wolf growls, but he calms him.

Valka was looking at her nails while I yawned. This meeting was a fucking waste of time.

Xavier slams his palms onto the table dramatically, rattling it. “We’ve been requested for a meeting in a week over by the Velvet Fang.”

“The whore house?”

“The house of ill repute, yes,” he stated blatantly.

“Whore house.”


“What’s up your ass, Xavier. Just call it what it is. It’s a place where everyone gets the chance to taste Corrus, Shaye, and Disaris cunt with a side of human.”

I could feel Valka’s eyes burning into my skull, but I pressed on.

“Why the hell do we want a meeting there? There are too many distractions.”

Xavier’s mood turned emotional.What was up his ass?“Because, you idiot, your simple mind can’t seem to comprehend that that is precisely why it’s being held there,”

“Dear God, Xavier. Your own damn sentence sounds idiotic.”

Xavier growled and leaped over the table just as I anticipated. His face was right against mine as I pressed my blade deeper under his chin with a toothy smile.

“Tsk, tsk. Temper, temper, Xavier. Is this the man you want seen representing Mathias? Do you want everyone to think Clan Letos houses a bunch of fools?”

No one knew Xavier’s ability. He kept it hidden like a dirty secret… until now. My smile stretched wider as Rex’s wolf turned its snarling fangs toward me.

“Rex, handle your puppies while I handle this piece of shit.”

The wolf jumped at me, but not before Rex tackled it to the ground. The sound of crashes and snarls, fists pounding and crunches of bone didn’t deter my stare into Xavier’s eyes.

“If I recall, you’ve been sniffing around my woman for a while, Xavier. I don’t take kindly to those who disrespect me.”

He scowled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I snapped and bit his nose off, spitting it back at his face. He howled just as badly as the wolf getting tackled into the wall of the warehouse. Crates broke and crashed as Rex was forced to pull out his blade and slam it into the heart of the beast.