“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

His grin grew, slowly and wickedly, making my pussy tingle with fear and arousal.

“Everything, Valka. Everything. But right now…” He leaned in and nipped at my bottom lip until it bled, licking up the crimson stain and spreading it across his own. His eyes dilated from black to amber and back to black again.

The hand around my wrist glided down my arm seductively, but not without threat of breaking it if I tried to move from his hold. His sentence was left incomplete and hanging in the air of these woods as he used his hard dick to move my dress out of the way and his knee to push my legs apart. The crown of his cock teased my wet folds, the metal cold against my pussy lips.

“I’ll cut off your balls, you know?”

“Not before you suck them and tell me to give you more.”

He thrust his weapon between my legs and my ab muscles clenched down. His invasion was rough and hard, the new metal scraping my insides deliciously and giving me a bite of pain as he ravished me on top of Landon’s dead body.

Was this one of the gifts he was talking about? What more could a Letos vamp do to woo a woman? I hated to admit it, but with every thrust of his hips and graze of his fangs, my pleasure climbed rapidly.

The men of the Cromwell family could never compare to the sheer savagery of how Ian took me out in the open under the moonlight sky. Our skin slapped together, my wetness coating both of us, making him slide easily in and out of me, inch by glorious inch.

“Your pussy was made for me,” Ian snarled.

“The fuck it was.” I couldn’t make it easy for him.

He gripped my throat and brought his head over me, staring deep into my soul with a nonverbal claim. I wasn’t submissive by nature, but at that moment I knew in my heart it would change the course of our lives forever. Ian bit his own tongue, forcing my mouth open with his grip on my jaw and dripped his blood from his mouth down into mine.

I swallowed every bit of it, savoring his taste and his claim on me. Because it couldn’t be anything else. Ian fucking Voss didn’t give a shit about anyone’s pleasure but his.

I reminded myself of that as his other hand glided along my glistening cunt and fingered beside his shaft right under the hood of my clit.

He lowered his mouth to mine and sealed our new union with a guttural groan against my lips. As I gasped into his mouth on a particularly hard grind, his hand moved from my jaw down to my ass to lift me into a higher angle for his erotic torture.

“I’m not the kind of girl you can keep down, Ian.”

I had to needle him. It was in my nature. I couldn’t let him win everything. I was already surrendering too much to begin with.

“You’ll learn to crawl and beg me to own you in every way, Valka.”

My arms, which I'd kept overhead before now, grabbed his throat and pulled him closer to me. I fucking hated him for his declaration—I more so hated the fact that I knew he was right. No matter how many times he came to me and used me, I was an addicted fool. It wasn’t just his dick game—he was the epitome of what a ruler should be for the clan, and I wanted to rule right beside him.

His thrusts came faster and faster, my pleasure climbed to the brink.

Until the asshole pulled out and forced me onto my stomach, shoving my face against Landon’s ass while he pinched and tweaked my clit until I screamed against dying flesh.

Ian lifted a leg up onto the back of Landon’s thigh and fucked me so hard I could barely breathe shoved into the flesh I was suffocating against.

My pussy was still fluttering around his cock as he spilled inside of me, burying himself as deep as he could go. He groaned and I could only imagine the stupid faces he was making.

He slapped my ass with a hard thwack and burned himself onto the top of my mental list of people to kill with his next statement.

“Fuck. Best. Day. Ever.”



One month later

She screamed like a banshee and pounced on me once my dick slipped out. It was to be expected. I grabbed her and forced her to submit right there in the car.

My thumb caressed the bottom of my lip thinking about how I marked her neck, ripping her flesh like the beast she pretends to love.