Mathias prided himself in these shipments. I suspected he sometimes did behind the scenes dealings with other upper echelon elites while putting on a patriotic face in front of his clansmen.

Humans were the drug of choice. Especially when they were under the influence of fermented drinks.

“You there!” I called. The Spectre in front me turned with curiosity. He stared at me intently from head to toe before coming back to my eyes.

“Right. Now that you’re done checking me out, I need you to lead me to the tunnels that connect to the docks.”

“Take the second fork in the road. It’s the left passage.”

See, this is how we should all be. Simple. Carrying out commands without any distractions. Logan should have learned from his own soldiers.

“Thank you, my man.” I tossed the bag into the air. His gun almost fell out of his hand as he caught it. “Send that to the Vargas estate, will you? It’s a gift for the woman of the house.

“Yes, sir.”

I needed to send a message to Rex Sentel. Tell him our other mission will have to be delayed. Valka’s little vacation was done and when I find her, she won’t be let up for air until she’s nice and bred with my spawn.

Because, after all, that was how one secured an heir when he planned to take over the clan.

* * *


Landon… Was he… Was he a product of Letos and Corrus? How was that possible?

Well, you idiot, he just said Cassie killed his mother.But how does a baby survive a queen’s hunt? Unless…

“She hid you.”

Landon didn’t answer. His hand shot out to grab my neck and bend me backward over the table.

“You remind me of hopes I left buried and dead so long ago. I will never forgive you for it. I lust for you in more ways than one. My mouth waters every time I watch your bloodshed.”

Should I feel threatened or turned on with his confession?

“Yet every time I get you out of my mind, you call for me with each sway of your hips. What should I do, Valka? Do I bury my cock in you and rip you in two or do I devour you so that you will forever be mine?”

Now, wait a damn minute. No one said anything about eating me alive. My eyes flicked to Jordan’s rotting corpse beside me. Yeah, I will have to vote no on that option.

I batted my eyelashes and looked up at him demurely.

“Landon, you flatter me.”

His nostrils flared and it reminded me of Logan's reaction. Why are Letos men like this?

“I have no intentions of flattering anyone. What you are to me is a nuisance, Valka. I shouldn’t be this conflicted around you. Life was simple. Eat. Sleep. Survive.,” he snarled.

His warm breath against my cheek gave me goosebumps. I didn’t flinch. I let him feel the power he had over me. It made him feel good. It kept him calm. I needed to play this game another way.

My hand tentatively touched his forearm and his breath stuttered.There we go…

“The Cromwell’s tunnels were the perfect place for me. I didn’t have to interact with the wretched world I left behind. I was given plenty of toys to play with, to mutilate and devour. The addition of the blood farms only made my hunger boil with anticipation.”

“Why does anything have to change, Landon?” I needed to distract him and point his thoughts in a different direction. “You can still remain the family butcher.”

He immediately lifted me up by the neck and threw me against the tunnel wall. My back felt like it was broken as I crumbled to the ground with a groan of agony.

“Because I cannot watch him with you!”