Dropping the cat beside my feet, I opened the box and rummaged through until I found what I was looking for.

“If you’re still here… I love it.”

Something touched the back of my hair, but when I turned around to look there was nothing—as usual. This secret admirer was both frustrating me and intriguing me all at once.

Taking the syringe, I pulled the cat’s blood into the vial, watching excitedly as the crimson liquid filled to the top. Filling one test tube, I hid it away behind the headboard of the bed. Carefully not to puncture myself, I made my way to my dresser and pulled out the top right drawer. William was always so fond of vintage furnishings. The red mahogany wood moved smoothly, and my hand circled around the golden handle.

There, my stash of toys lay staring at me. While living with my mother, she limited the amount of clansmen coming by. I now understood why. She needed me in her little game of power. While she tackled Logan, she wanted me to attack from the bottom.

Did she really think that I would go with it once I found out? I grabbed one of my red dildos and turned it in my hand.

Slowly poking the head and shaft with the needle, I injected the cat’s blood, forcing it through the small hole.

Once I had about ten injections, I carefully placed the toy on the top of my dresser and turned to put my syringe back into the box and beneath the bed.

Gently grabbing the cat, I pet it and purred as if it were still alive. I placed it on my windowsill in a sitting position, waiting for rigor mortis to kick in and keep it that way.

I grabbed the dildo and rinsed it under the water of the bathroom sink, placing it on the counter to dry. Taking off my clothes, I started the tub and stepped in, dirtying the clean water with the drying blood on my skin.

I sighed as I rubbed my body, imagining it was my secret admirer’s hands.

“If you’re in here, I’m thinking of you. Everyone’s left me so empty today…”

My hands traveled down between my legs, and I opened them up, splashing the water over the side of the tub. My fingers circled my clit, stimulating it in the perfect way.

Knock. Knock.

“Valka, I need you to…” Jordan’s mouth hung open as he watched me pleasure myself beneath the water. “Holy shit.”

I brought my finger out of the water and sucked it into my mouth, staring directly at him.

He fumbled with his clothes as he began to take everything off with desperation. His face was still bloodied from his earlier fight with Logan, the eyepatch gone.

I crooked my finger and Jordan crawled over the edge, splashing into the water.

I laughed at his enthusiasm, pulling him in for a kiss.

I could taste Logan’s blood and it made me moan. Jordan’s hard cock rubbed against my center, but I closed my legs, refusing him entrance. He growled against my mouth, and I changed our positions with me on top of him.

“Let’s get out of the tub,” I instructed, licking up the wet droplet behind his ear.

He nodded in agreement, firmly embracing me around the waist and lifting us both. I wrapped my legs around him as red water splashed onto the bathroom floor. He carefully grabbed a nearby towel and threw it on the ground to prevent us from slipping.

Walking with me over the threshold, he tossed me onto the bed, and I sighed.

Running my fingers through his hair, I massaged his head as he kissed along my collarbone.

“Let me take care of you tonight.”

He groaned and licked my skin.

“Let me take you to places you’ve never been,” I whispered against his hair. I flipped him onto his stomach, my hands around him, gripping his hard shaft and stroking it.

His hips pumped forward, and I twisted my wrist at the crown of his cock. My other hand loosened and pulled one of the scarves tied to the bedpost. I gave him a few more pumps before I blindfolded him and tied the fabric in the back of his head.

“Just feel.”

“Should I be afraid?”