“Did you and your brother make up? That was quick.”

He chuckled and grabbed my arm, pulling me to the stairs. “You really have to stop being such a bitch, Valka. The creation of the blood farm is on a time crunch.”

We were halfway toward the main level when I finally just spit out, “What the hell is going on Jordan? I’m fucking tired of being the last to know.”

He looked over his shoulder at me with indecision. Shaking his head, he continued to pull me along until we were in the upper halls.

Jordan looked at all the Spectres and told them to leave us.

Jordan slammed my back against the same exact location Logan did earlier. What the hell were up with these two? Were they in sync?

“Logan is going to kill me if he finds out, but that’s okay because I’m going to get rid of him too. He’s gotten on my last nerve.”

Well, this was starting out interesting.

I crossed my arms causing the cold blood on my dress to squelch.

“There are rumors of a cure to the virus going around. I don’t know any more than that. Mathias wants the human blood farms up and running in preparation. Soldiers will need a steady supply of blood and the Cromwell estate will be one of the biggest pit stops before Disaris and Corrus territory.”

“What does that mean for us? Why should we care when there are plenty of other families and land out there than can house blood farms? What makes us the main point?”


My lip curled in distaste at the mention of her name. “What about my mother?”

“She controls the southern blood farms before Disaris territory. It’s why we needed our families united. Where your brother started and failed, I’m going to succeed.”

“What makes you think you will be able to do this alone? Logan was the one that got the ball rolling.”

Jordan gripped my neck and squeezed, his eyes blazing with a flash of hatred. “My brothers don’t hunger for power like I do. They weren’t meant to lead the family. William just wanted a life of luxury. Logan just wants to be in his stupid hole fucking bodies as life leaves them. The Cromwells need a stronger stand in this war and I’m going to be the one to bring it to them.”

There were so many holes in his plan, but I kept my mouth shut, curious to see where this was going and why he’s showing a power display now, of all times. What happened between him and Logan while I was in the dungeons?

He squeezed my neck a little more, slamming his mouth on mine and devouring me passionately for a few seconds before pulling back, taking my breath away. “I need you with me, Valka. I need your fury, your attitude. You are the prime example of a Letos woman, and I want you to have my children so that the Cromwell line will outnumber the other families. William couldn’t have children, did you know that?”

He stared at me intently. I didn’t know that. But what did that have to do with anything? We’ve already established that my mother basically sold me to the Cromwells to be a broodmare for Clan Letos.

“And Logan hasn’t come inside a live woman for decades, especially after your mother kept him solely as a side piece.”

I laughed and coughed.Of course. Of course, my mother would play some sort of twisted part in this. Was that why Logan hated wanting me? Because I reminded him of her? Jordan released my throat and put his forehead against mine.

“I’ve never wanted anything as much as you. You make me burn.”

And he makes me want to fucking vomit right in his face. What the hell was wrong with him? Did this little boy truly think he would keep Clan Letos strong with his dick?He was delusional.

I batted my eyelashes, pushed him away, and bit my bottom lip. “I have to shower. Do whatever you must. I’ll be here waiting for you to get back.”

Strung like a puppy once more, Jordan stared at my body and nodded slowly before shaking his head and turning to call for the Spectres to come back and guard the halls.

I slammed the door shut and let out a sigh. I was going to have to get rid of him sooner rather than later. He was becoming a hindrance to all my plans. Jordan, rule Clan Letos? Not in a million years. He was a pawn. A simple tool.

There was an unfamiliar bag at the foot of my bed. Excitement filled me as I slowly creeped toward it, bending down and opening up the drawstring.

“Who are you?” He might still be around me, hiding in the shadows—infiltrating my room.

I gasped in delight. “And what have we here?”

I reached in and pulled out a still warm, bloodied cat. It was limp in my hands, its head flopping like a little doll. Swiftly making my way toward one of my vanity boxes hidden underneath the bed, I pulled out a pink one with a red satin bow.