I needed to find out more about the tunnels and where exactly they led to. For now, I continued my way into the backyard and walked toward the first group of human men who had their shirts off, digging holes for the fencing post. Their muscles glistened under the moonlight nicely each time they brought the shovel down.

One of the men looked over his shoulder at me and stopped working. His eyes blazed with lust, and I felt my mouth watering in hunger. I haven’t fed in a while, and he looked like he would provide me with enough sustenance to last a week.

Licking my lips, I crooked my finger. Indecision crossed his features, and I wasn’t sure if he was one of the thralls under Jordan’s power or one of the ones with their memories erased from the Spectre at the mines.

“Come here, big boy,” I purred.

He threw his shovel down, wiped his brow, and hesitantly moved toward me. But like that, his entire torso was eviscerated, his guts turned into ground meat, and he fell to the ground with a shocked look on his face.

Stunned for a second, I narrowed my eyes and looked around me looking for an Infiltrator. No other person would be capable of hiding in the shadows, not like this.

“You might as well show yourself. I know you’re here.”

The other humans were horrified, staring blankly at their fallen comrade. That was, until Logan swaggered forth with another clansman by his side. The clansman touched each human and their eyes glazed over for a second before they all smiled and went back to work, digging.

“What the fuck kinda shit are you doing, Valka? Leave the livestock alone. Take your ass back inside.”

I slapped him. My palm stung deliciously. I went to do it again, but he caught my wrist, squeezing until I winced. My foot itched to kick him in the balls when a low whistle came from behind me.

Strong, muscular arms wrapped around my midsection and pulled me back. I threw a kick anyway and hit Logan in his inner leg.

He snarled and I snarled right back at his face, clawing the air.

“Valka, is that anyway for the lady of the house to act? Stop embarrassing yourself.” Ian chuckled and I kicked back, hitting him in the knee and twisted to throw a punch to his face.

He took it, his head snapping to the side with a loud thud. One of his arms remained around me as he slowly straightened and rubbed his jaw, his eyes wild with fury. The hand around me gripped harder, his fingers digging through my dress and painfully into my skin.

“Fucking bitch needs to be controlled,” Logan barked.

His comrade held in a laugh, kicking the mutilated body on the ground as Ian’s eyes dilated and snapped to Logan.

“You fucking need to get the mission done before you need to report back to Mathias. Seems she’s not the only one being naughty, hmm?” Ian licked the blood that trailed from the corner of his mouth seductively with his tongue. “Get your shit together, Logan.”

“Mathias? He knows the run is going forward in the next couple of days.”

“Does he? Seems like he doesn’t trust your ass as far as he can throw. Get your shit done or I can liberate you from the role you’ve failed to complete. Maybe I should do it anyway. Wouldn’t be a loss.”

The only thing bigger than Ian’s cock was his ego. For once, I was glad for it. Logan’s big headedness needed to be taken down a notch.

His nostrils flared in response, but he didn’t say a word as he flicked his finger up and he and his comrade turned to walk back where they came from.

Ian rubbed his hard dick against my back, and I shoved him away from me, finally releasing me from his grip.

“Fuck you, Ian.”

“If you behave, maybe I’ll give you the pleasure of a quick fuck.”

Growling at all the assholes around me, I turned my heel and walked away. Ian grabbed my arm and jerked me behind a tree, slamming my back against the rough bark. He caged me in, and my nipples grazed him with every breath as I stared up at his face with hatred—and desire.

“Valka. Have you been playing without me?” Ian ran the knuckle of his index finger down my face with the lightest caress while his eyes said he wanted to gut me from the neck down.

“Not everything revolves around you, jerk. You’re the one that keeps popping in and out unannounced.”

He smiled like the lunatic he was. “You forget. It does. I came to check up on you and make sure you’re staying out of trouble until I need to sink my dick in you again. Fucking dead weight is becoming boring—humans just can’t take what I have to offer. But you… You’ve always been such a wildcat.”

I slapped his hand away from my face and he immediately grabbed my chin roughly, tilting my head up with a menacing grin. “Did you kill your husband?”

My heart rate increased. Why was I attracted to this stupid asshole? “Does it matter?”