His face is bruised and bloodied, his clothes ripped. Part of his nose was ripped off, the empty nostril holes making him look like the living dead.
The howl of wolves sent a delicious shiver up my spine as large beasts emerged from different directions and surrounded us, circling their prey—the bloodied Shaye on the ground. He turned onto his stomach and looked directly at William who stood beside me.
With crimson coated teeth, he spat right at his face. William screamed bloody murder and the closest wolf attacked. My husband was always too prim and proper for this world. In a flash of grey fur, the wolf lunged and snapped its jaws around the Shaye vampire’s neck, shaking it like a toy.
Screams of agony played in tune with the howls from the other wolves, each one calling the other in a tune as old as time—worshiping the mysteries under the light of the moon. Their tongues lolled out the side of their mouths, their eyes intent and glistening with hunger as they continued to circle us all.
Logan took his time walking toward us, the air of menace thick all around him like Death came to collect. He exuded darkness and destruction as he grabbed the scruff of the wolf biting, forcefully pulled him off, ripping flesh, and tossed him against the car with a loud yelp and crack of bone.
The other wolves were in a frenzy, lost in the haze of bloodlust. A few of them fought over the injured wolf on the ground, biting and ripping its flesh, cannibalizing their own.
Logan bent down and grabbed what was left of the Shaye vampire’s flimsy neck, lifting him with his feet dangling in the air. His head tilted to the side comically, part of his spinal cord exposed right at the bottom of his skull.
“Shaye will be eliminated permanently, starting withyou.”
My pussy pulsed watching Logan rip his head off and tossing it to one of the wolves. They yipped and snarled, fighting for the pieces that were being tossed in their direction as if it was a game.
“Enough!” William, refusing to mess up his black suit, wiped his face with the back of his hand once more only succeeding in smearing crimson streaks.
Once he realized this, he exposed his fangs in irritation. A new wave of fury wafted around me. The wolves slunk away, pulling pieces of human and wolf flesh with them.
“I’m tired of fooling around. Let’s go. We have a run to catch,” he snapped.
Jordan returned at that very moment, his own suit skewed as he dragged the body of the other vampire behind him. He tossed the body to our feet. “He breathes. For now.”
Julius bends down and shoves the barrel of the gun into the guy’s mouth, shaking it and rousing him.
“Before I give you the pleasure of eating brass, we’re going to take a little trip, you and I. There just so happens to be a camp nearby that has been itching to get their hands on some Shaye.” He paused and a feral smile crossed his face. “Especially a newly made one like you.”
“Fuck you!” the idiot struggled to say around the barrel.
Julius let off the shot and stood back up, wiping the gun on his pants without a word.
“He’ll rejuvenate on the way back. Jordan, throw him in the trunk. We’re losing time,” William instructed.
Jordan looked at the vehicle and shook his head. I stared at his rumpled clothes, torn around the neck. Jordan reminded me of my brother. His abilities were the control of thralls though I’ve never witnessed him use it—unlike my Devon who was sometimes drunk on the power. He used to tell me it made him feel like a God among men.
I voiced the question everyone was thinking. “Is that thing going to make it back?”
“It needs to just make it back to the northwestern compound. We’ll drop this sack of shit off and grab another vehicle from there.” Logan’s calm tone still reeked of death and destruction, though his demeanor said otherwise. He and Julius were the only ones whose clothes were still pristine.
No wonder he climbed the ranks of Letos while the other two didn’t.
I married the wrong brother.
“Well? Are you just going to stand there and stare at my cock all night? Move!”
I curled my lip and walked back to the car. Jordan slammed the trunk shut, walked around and tried to open his side of the door to no avail. The metal was caved inward from the impact.
“Quit being a little shit and just get in the car, Jordan!” William barked and that was when he lost it.
Jordan moved so quickly, the only thing I caught was a blink of him leaping over the roof of the car.