“I always do,” William snapped with agitation.

Jordan didn’t say a word and Logan flicked his eyes to me for a second. I kept a calm face, reassuring him that I would play nice while I was here.

Candelabras lined the walls of the halls adding to the mood of the brothel. It was probably more for the humans since we see in the darkness just fine.

“William, Jordan, come with me. I’m going to take you to meet someone.” Logan looks over his shoulder at me and then the driver. “Can you manage her until we get back?”

The driver nodded while staring at the bare breasts of a redheaded human who just walked by with a tray full of dark crimson liquids in ornate cups.

Lifting my lip in a curl, I walked away from him without a word. He could follow if he wanted. He could go fuck a thousand humans if he wanted. It made no difference to me.

Sounds of moans and groans floated into the air. I turned to my left, looking into one of the open rooms to find a Corrus vamp fucking the ass of one of his own. He was aggressive, his movements full of hate.

When he came, he cursed loudly and shoved the other vampire away with disgust. Pushing his salt and pepper head back he groaned and said a name under his breath that made a smile crack across my face with interest.

“Fucking Cassie and her stupid decisions. She just doesn’t get it.”

I quickly melted into the crowd the moment his back tensed, and he looked over his shoulder.

I grabbed the closest human woman next to me and pulled her in for a kiss, grabbing her breasts and licking down her neck and collarbone. I could still feel his stare, so I kept up my ploy. I pulled down her shirt and sucked her nipple into my mouth, teasingly biting down until she moaned like the whore she was.

Pulling off with a wet pop, I turned her and patted her on the ass in thanks. I weaved through bodies until I made my way back around to the staircase. The lower level was too crowded for my taste anyway. Ascending, I looked around and admired the architecture reminiscent of my own estate.

One of the humans walked by with another tray full of cups of blood.

“Would you like to have a drink, Miss?”

I looked him up and down and stared at the puncture marks on his neck. Licking my lips, I crook my finger to make him lean down.

Before he could, someone grabbed my wrists and pushed his body against my back. “Run along before this little minx gets you in trouble.”

Ian’s warm breath tickled my ear and I quickly turned around with gritted teeth. “What do you want, Ian?”

“Not you, if that’s what you’re asking. There are plenty of other pussies around here to keep me entertained.”

I growled and he shoved me off, heading toward the stairs to descend to the first floor. Fuming, I stomped away only to run into another body, further pissing me off. My fist flew before I could think, but luckily the person was quick enough to catch it midair.

“If you want to play, I can. But you will not get us kicked out of this establishment before the mission can be completed. Do you understand?” The driver’s voice was rich, calm, and infuriating. I still don’t know his fucking name.

“I’ll do whatever the hell I want.”

He chuckled and gripped my fist harder, grinding some of my finger bones together. “Julius,” he hums with satisfaction.

“You best get your face out mine, Julius. Unless you want your balls shoved up your ass.”

He let out a booming laugh and shoved me toward the stairs. I caught myself on the railing before I could tumble down the entirety of the twenty-five steps. Asshole.

I watched as he disappeared into the crowd, chasing some other flesh suit.

Straightening myself, I took off my coat and shoved it into the face of the next human servant. She sputtered, but I left her and strutted back down the stairs. My heels clicked loudly and slowly with each step as I swayed my hips and inhaled the different scents in the air.

Despite the smell of sex permeating the atmosphere, it didn’t hide the different musks of the varying clan members mingling.

Who would have thought. Corrus, Shaye, Disaris and Letos all under one roof. I smiled to myself thinking of how I would run the world once I took out Mathias.

A phantom sensation of a hand caressing my hip made me turn to find… nothing. A human male smiles at me as he descends to my left with an empty tray. His light eyes are questioning, beckoning me to force him in a compromised position. His lanky, young body turned me off, so I ignored him and made my way down.

The statues at the end of the staircase gave me lady blue balls. I was forced to prance around this place, looking pretty while the men did their business. I couldn’t play with anything since William was here.