William slaps my hand off and leans in again with a snarl. “I always complete my missions.”
“That may be so. But Logan is going with you anyway whether you like it or not.”
The quiet stranger gave a menacing smile, licked his fangs, and stared directly at me. My eyes became hooded as I turned to cross my legs the other way.
With reluctance, William stood up and left the building. Jordan and I looked at each other, then to the other men, nodding our heads and following my husband out.
The driver opened the back passenger door before we got there. I slid in with William right after me. The door on the other side opened and Jordan slid in, confusing me.
I looked to the front passenger to see Logan staring at me through the rearview mirror. Well, this was a shit show. What had William done to need such surveillance from the upper echelon of the Letos clan?
He spoke under his breath to the driver who immediately pulled back onto the road. Meanwhile, I was stuck between two Cromwells.
The tension in the car was thick and made my skin prickle.
Jordan broke the silence. “Been a long time, brother.”
My eyes widened.What did he just say?I knew the Cromwells had three boys. I had never met the second. Not even after the betrothal.Hewas the elusive third brother?
“If you did what you were all supposed to do, I wouldn’t have to be here now.” The baritone of his voice made me wary. This was a man who was used to commanding people under him. William could never compare to this.
“I was set up and you know it. That last supply run wasn’t supposed to have any hiccups. I made sure of it.”
Logan turned around in his seat and gave his older brother a death glare. “There won't be any more mistakes. This mission will be completed.”
The rest of the drive to the north was oppressive. And fuck me, my libido chose that exact moment to fantasize what it would be like to have all these men under me, especially Logan.
Ignoring Jordan’s glare, I stared out his passenger side window. The areas we drove by varied from run down to fields of outright nothingness. Woods were seen farther out away from the paved road we were on. No one for miles.
It was utterly boring. What the hell does Ian do out there? There had to be human settlements and different compounds he was playing in. Life as a kept wife was going to drive me to the brink of insanity.
“You’re going to take a right off road here. When you make it to the blue barn, take a left into the woods. I’ll tell you more when we get closer.”
The driver nodded and the road became uneven as we drove into a farm field that had seen better days. Even the weeds, though overgrown, were dry and dead.
The moon's light flickered as we headed toward the tree line.
I would have fallen into Jordan’s lap with the driver’s quick turn if it wasn’t for William’s arm around my waist. Jordan’s nostrils flared as he glared at his brother’s hand on me. Straightening, I looked out the front windshield to see us pulling out of the woods and onto a dirt road.
There was a large, black plantation style house. The closer we got, the more I noticed the deep, red velvet drapes covering inside the windows. The Velvet Fang, though worn down from the outside, held a lot of lavish secrets within.
Cars, motorcycles, and other forms of transportation were scattered outside with no rhyme or reason. The dirt land was packed with patrons.
“Pull up to the back side.”
We parked among the smattering of other vehicles, all darkened and distinct. There are more buildings a mile or so off to the back. I kept my curiosity at bay as I stared at one of the patrons outside, smoking a cigarette and looking directly at us with a hint of suspicion.
Exiting the car, Logan led the way. Jordan and the driver brought up the back with me in the middle. Dark marble floors were the first thing to catch my attention apart from the sheer amount of people here, both human and vampire alike. The smell of human blood made me bite back a moan as we kept walking forward. At the heart of the first floor sat an ornate staircase leading upward to different levels. From what I could see, there must have at least been three.
A Disaris vampire was sucking on the neck of a human woman beside a statue depicting a sexual act. In fact, many of the statues were.
“Keep your tempers. The rule of the house is no fighting.”