Page 23 of Wildest Dreams

“I know, you were just looking for someone to blame,” my lips pull into a soft smile.

“It's just so fucked up,” he scrubs his face.

“I know,” I sigh. Because it's the truth. It is fucked up.

“He didn't do it man,” Pacey rolls on his side, propping his hand under his head.

I hum. “We all know that, but the last person to see Clay alive was Austin. He was seen dragging him into the back of our truck... then he winds up on our land.”

“He can't go to jail; can you talk to Kelcie?” I can hear the desperation in his voice.

My chest rattles.

“There is no point, Kelcie has fucked us every which way possible. I shouldn't have trusted him, and that is on me.”

Pacey falls back to the bed, hands over his face.

“I'll fix it Pace, I promise. I won't let them send an innocent man to jail.”

The thing is, I had no idea if I could fix it. My confidence was shot.

“I've lost my job, I can't lose my best friend too.”

Austin wasn't just Pacey's best friend. He was all of ours. He is Aspen's older brother. We grew up together, days spent down the creek, evenings causing chaos wherever we could. I feel like things are slipping through my fingers and there is nothing I can do to stop them, no matter how much I try and grab a hold.

I needed to protect the land. I needed to make sure they didn't dig down to the goldmine. I needed to protect what was ours.

“You won't lose him, brother.” My throat bobs, the lump inside burning through me, “I promise.” And I really wish I could keep that promise, but I know that I couldn't.

Because deep down I knew Austin was doomed. Even if we could prove that he was innocent, they would strike him down with something else. They already had their judgement. They already had their man.

Silence crackles between us.

“So, this Dixie chick...” I hear the smile that presents itself on his boyish face.

“What about her?”

“Smoking hot.”

I laugh softly.

“I suppose so.”

“Oh, fuck off, you know she's hot.”

I roll my eyes.

“She's changed a lot from what I remember in school.”

“She's all grown up,” I remind him.

“She's grown hot. What's the deal, she with someone?”

“No idea, haven’t really said much to her. Trying to keep my distance. She won't be around long. Mentioned she is here for a personal issue then will be back to wherever she came from.”

“They always say that, then she'll end up staying and you'll both fall madly in love,” he scoffs, shaking his head from side to side.

“This isn’t some romance movie,” I sigh loudly. “She's got a life; she is a singer, no doubt her name in shining lights. She had no life here. There is nothing here for her. Family is all gone, what could she possibly have here to keep her?”