“And we will, just don't use her as bait...” I whisper as tears burn behind my eyes.
“Okay,” he whispers, holding me close and suddenly I burst into tears. The heaviness of the last two weeks laying heavy on my soul, and I have tried to be strong, tried to be the perfect big brother, but something had to break eventually. And that something was me.
“I've got you,” Riggs whispers, and he stays sitting with me until every emotion has left my body, and suddenly, I am exhausted.
The house is silent, and I managed to sneak away to check in on Lainey and swipe the monitor before I made my way back downstairs to Tripp.
Back inside his arms, I listen to the way his heart beats beneath his warm skin and I feel like I am finally home.
“Why did you choose the name Lainey?” He asks as I lay my head on his chest, his fingertips brushing delicately up and down my spine.
“Because I loved the name, also because my kid sister was called Lainey,” I whisper to the quiet room, and I feel the burn in my throat at thinking of her.
“It's a pretty name,” he brushes a kiss into the top of my head.
“I think so too,” I look up at him, sleepy brown eyes pinned to me, but his mind is elsewhere.
“You okay?” I ask.
“My soul is tired,” he admits with a low voice.
I feel that.
I give a small smile, eyes creasing as I do.
Reaching forward, I place a soft kiss on his lips.
“Sleep baby,” I whisper as I rest my head back on his chest, and within seconds, soft snores fill the room. Content, heart full and eyes falling heavy, I slip into a peaceful slumber with him, praying that we find each other in our dreams, because the thought of sleeping for hours without him suddenly feels too much.
Iwas awake before Tripp and as much as I wanted to stay in his bed for the duration of the day, I had to mom and work. Sneaking from his bed like a one night stand that was filled with hot and dirty sex, I wince. My boobs are rock solid, and I need Lainey to feed. Tip toeing past his door, I close it behind me. Walking quietly down the hallway, I reach for the newel post and step onto the first step when I hear a soft chuckle coming from the kitchen and my eyes cast over to where it's coming from.
My cheeks burn and I shake my head.
“Sneaking out his room,” he continues to laugh as he spoons a mouthful of cereal into his mouth.
“Screw you,” I smirk, flipping him off as I run up the stairs and into my room without being caught by Orla. Pressing my back against my closed door, I let my eyes flutter shut for just a moment, a soft smile pulling at my mouth as I sink my teeth into my bottom lip. I replay the memories of last night and how good it felt to be with Tripp again.
I am brought back down to earth as Lainey stirs, crying on cue.
“Shh shh,” I hush her, scooping her up and holding her close to me as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes, my lips pressing soft kisses on the top of her head. “Morning baby,” I coo, bouncing her as she begins to fuss.
Sitting on the edge of my bed, I slip my nightie down and let her latch on. My eyes flutter closed again as I sit in perfect silence thinking of what my life could be like if I didn't have to leave, if I didn't have to walk away in order to save Tripp and his family.
My breath stutters at the back of my throat at the thought and I ignore the burn that lodges itself there, making it hard to breath suddenly.
Lowering my face, my hand strokes over her brown hair, her long lashes fanned out as her hand rests on my chest.
“God, mama loves you,” I whisper, suddenly feeling overwhelmed with emotions.
Her little hums as she suckles make my heart skip a beat and I push everything from my mind as I focus on her, my world, my daughter.