Page 7 of Wildest Dreams

“Girl whose kid sister died?”

I nod, a sombre mood taking over.

“Poor kid,” Riggs grunts, rubbing his hand across his beard.

“Crashed up top of the ranch, damaged the sign. Rusty took her car, and she's at ours with her baby.”

“Was that your idea?”

“Absolutely not,” I shake my head, stepping into the kitchen and trying to ignore what was going on mere moments ago. “I brought her up to the house to get her off the side of the road, then mom had put her in the guest room with the kid. She didn't stop crying all night.”

“Dixie?” Riggs asks as Aspen hands him a cup of coffee and he leans down and presses a kiss to the top of her head just before she hands me a cup and disappears upstairs, all the time Riggs' eyes trailing after her.

“No, the baby.”


“I am wrecked, I have no idea why she came back? Her dad is long gone, she has no other family...” I slump onto the sofa, agitation biting at my nerves. Riggs' takes a slow stroll into the room, leaning against the door frame.

“Maybe she had to come back for work? The kid’s dad?” he half shrugs one shoulder up as he takes a mouthful of his coffee.

“Kid’s dad won't be here. She hasn't been home in years. The dad will be some bloke back from wherever she is living now.”

“Why did you need out?”

“Just got a little bit... I don't know. She keeps looking at me all wide eyed and helpless... I'm not interested in helping her. I done that last night, that's as far as I will go. I have enough people to help, I don't need to add one more to the list.”

Riggs chuckles.

“Why don't you crash here tonight, get a full night’s sleep then you can reevaluate in the morning after a good night’s sleep.”

“You and Aspen will keep me awake.”

“Not at all, we will be quiet...”

“Bullshit,” I laugh, tossing my head from side to side.

“Promise,” he wiggles his brows and I roll my eyes.

“Grateful for the offer, but no thanks. I have nothing to reevaluate. I'll get her car from Rusty's then she can be on her way and out of my life.”

Riggs says nothing, just sits next to me and we sit in silence, drinking our coffees.

We're not alone long when Aspen comes down the stairs, dressed, fresh eyed and bushy tailed.

“What you two chatting about?”

I'm not sure if she is being sarcastic or thinks she has walked in on a conversation, and we stopped once we knew she was in the room.

“Not a lot, Riggs invited me to come stay whilst Dixie is crashing at ours, but I politely declined,” my lips twitch as I fight the smile, Riggs throws his hands up in the air as if to say,'I tried to help him'.

“What put you off?” she teases, falling into Riggs' lap.

“Hmm, let me think,” I roll my eyes and let my head shake softly as I roll the empty coffee cup over my stained jeans.

“It'll be okay, she will no doubt be on her way home soon.”

I shrug my shoulders.