And I am nodding, panting, begging her, desperate for her as my tongue glides across hers in a soft but tantalizing stroke.
My fingertips graze down her cheek, her jaw, skimming them down her collarbone as I slip the shoulder of her dress away and allow my lips to dust the trail I marked with my fingers. Her head rolls back, her eyes dusting shut as I continue my kisses over her sensitive skin.
“Tripp,” she breathes a whisper of a moan, blending with the sound of the trickling water.
“Yes Dreamcatcher,” my breath strokes against her skin.
“Swim with me,” she dips her head, hands cusping my head in her delicate hands as she drags me up, eyes bouncing between mine. “Then take me home,” her last request comes out as a plea and I smirk.
“Always, darlin',” I rasp, kissing her once more before dropping my hands from her skin and watching her as she undresses.
My hungry eyes roam over her body, the body I have seen so many times ten years ago, but I feel like I am watching her for the first time with brand new eyes.
Heart drumming in my chest, blood pumping loudly around my body and every feeling I had supressed for Dixie Walker was slowly and torturously bubbling closer to the surface, pricking at my skin as I watch her slowly peel her pretty dress from her body, the hairs on the back of my neck standing one by one.
A shrill ringtone pulls me from my love drunk haze, and I shake my head, eyes widening as Dixie bends down and rummages in her purse for her phone.
“Orla, is everything okay?” she asks softly, but I can see the worry slowly etching itself onto her face as the seconds pass and my heart is in my throat as I step closer to her, my eyes volleying between hers.
“I’ll be right there.”
She cuts the phone of and is bent over collecting her purse and boots.
“What’s happened? Is everything okay?” the panic is evident in my voice.
“Lainey is unsettled, your mom has tried everything but she won’t stop screaming,” her words come out rushed as she twists her head to look over the creek towards the ranch.
“Let’s get you home,” I lower my head, waiting for our eyes to connect.
“I’m so…” she whispers but I press my finger against her lips and shake my head from side to side.
“Don’t you dare,” my voice is low, “come.” I lace my fingers through hers, taking the boots into my hands, I lead her through the fields and towards the house.
It just wasn’t our night.
I’m not upset or disappointed; Lainey will always come first.
And I know that.
Dixie has plagued my mind in the few days since that night. Smallaccidentalfinger brushes, a few longing stares but we’ve never had a moment alone since. I could have easily followed her up to her room, before dragging her back into mine, but I didn’t. I stayed away. I took myself back out onto the porch with a glass of whiskey to keep me warm as I sat in the rocker and watched the stars.
“Right,” Riggs claps his hands together, wincing at the loud sound and Pacey moans, letting his head fall as it hits the breakfast bar with a thud. “Ow.”
“It's far too early for this, my head is pounding,” I groan as I nurse a cup of coffee. We decided to hit The Boot last night to try and hash out the last few details before the funeral.
“And this is why we don't drink on school nights, children,” Riggs smirks, but scolding us at the same time.
“Idiot,” I shake my head, my hand pressed to my forehead. My head is pounding.
“We need to be switched on, we're not going to be welcome at Clay's funeral, but we need to go. We need to show the town that we're not going to cower away. Yes, Clay died on our land, but we didnotkill him.”
Pacey sighs, his eyes darting to the door once he sees Dixie standing there holding Lainey.
“Carry on,” I grit, eyes moving from Pacey and nodding for Dixie to come in. She walks in but keeps her head down, cautious almost.