“Everything will be okay Wildflower, I promised, didn't I?” he speaks softly and quietly and my heart melts a little in my chest. Eyes burn into me, and I know it's Tripp but I refuse to look over towards him.
Riggs' fingers lace through hers as he leads her towards the front door, Pacey bounding out behind them and Orla disappears to find Jorge.
It's just me and him left in the room.
“Did you want to come?” he asks, hands fisted into his jeans.
“Maybe another night, I'm wrecked.”
He gives a shallow nod, then turns to walk out the door, following his brothers. I jump when the door slams a little harder than expected, the sound echoing around the large kitchen.
I stand for a moment, kind of annoyed with myself. Shaking my head, I move back to the wet dishes and continue to dry.
“Oh,” I hear Orla's voice and I don't miss the slight surprise in her tone. “I thought you were going with the boys?” her brows furrow.
“I'm tired, it’s been a long day and I know Tripp asked you to watch Lainey but, well...” I pause for a moment, not wanting to stammer over my words, “you had her all day today and?—”
“And nothing, you deserve a night out. You have done this for far too long with no support system. Well, now you have it. She's no trouble anyway. She's asleep so why would you choose tomiss out? I mean, you're welcome to sit with me and Jorge, but he will be asleep in...” she pauses and twists her wrist towards her, “twenty minutes tops, and then I'll sit with a warm cup of tea and crochet.”
A sigh vibrates in my chest as I fold the dish towel over my hands.
“Go, I can run you down there and then you jump back in with the boys to come home.”
“They might not want me there, I think Tripp only asked out of kindness.”
“Tripp doesn't ask out of kindness, darling. If they didn't want you there, they wouldn't have asked at all,” her brows raise, a knowing smile pressing onto her lips as she strides towards me, taking the dish towel from me. “Go get ready, I’ll meet you in the truck at eight-thirty,” and with that, she turns her back on me and finishes the rest of the dishes.
I'm dressed in a white off the shoulder knee length dress. Pretty sage flowers with pink petals are dotted over the thin material. A light wash denim jacket sits over my shoulders, and I slip my cowboy boots on to finish my look. My hair is in loose waves, tumbled down my back. Pushing a set of medium, gold hoops through my ears, I stack my wrists with bracelets and look at myself in the reflection as I fiddle with the delicate pendant on my chain.
I contemplated getting changed but the longer I took, the more I would disturb Lainey and if she wakes, then I wouldn't go. Inhaling, I puff out my cheeks on my exhale.
Grabbing my perfume, I walk out of the door, softly closing it as I spray myself. I give it a minute to seep into my skin before delicately pushing the door and placing it on the floor just inside of my bedroom. With one last look over at Lainey, my heart thumps a little harder in my chest. Leaving her was the worst, but I know she's safe here with Jorge and Orla.
Closing the door behind me, I make my way downstairs. I peek a look at Jorge, who like Orla said, is sitting in his chair, eyes closed, mouth open and soft snores fill the room.
Grabbing my purse from the hook, I place it over my body and walk towards the truck.
“Well, don't you look pretty,” Orla smiles and pushes the truck into reverse.
“Thank you,” I mutter, looking down at my hands.
Why did I feel so nervous?
Sitting in The Boot, the usual crowds are here. Conrad is with us, and I am surprised to see him here alone. He normally would have some pretty little thing on his arm, but he has chosen to fly solo tonight. There is one regular missing and that’s Austin. As much as he knows that everyone in The Boot believes his side of the story, he refuses to come. Harlow sits between me and Pacey and I'm glad she is out, but knowing Austin, he probably sent her away.
Riggs walks over with our bottles of beer and places them in the middle of the table, Riggs settling down next to Aspen with his whiskey. Not a big drinker that one, but if he does have a drink, he'll normally have one glass of whiskey.
“I have started finalising bits for the wedding,” Aspen pipes up as she takes a swig from her bottle. “Guys, I need you to go to the tailor and get your suits fitted.”
Pacey rolls his eyes.
“Can't I just come dressed like this?” he looks down at himself then back at Aspen, shrugging his shoulders up.
“Absolutely not,” she shakes her head from side to side.