Page 27 of Wildest Dreams

Blue was like a second mom to me and my brothers. Always cooked for us, let us stay the night and kept our little secrets from our parents when we were up to no good.

“Is everything okay?” her glassy eyes bounce between mine and I give a heavy nod.

“How are you?” I ask, lifting my hat off and hanging it on the hat rack. I follow her through to the kitchen as she fills an iron kettle and places it on the stove, heating the water.

“I've been better, I am worried Tripp,” and I roll my lips.

“I know, but I meant what I said. I will do everything to keep Austin from jail.”

My stomach knots.

“I heard my name,” I turn on my stool when I see a rugged Austin walk through the doorway. I stand and we embrace.

“Tea?” Blue asks.


She doesn't give Austin an option, just makes him one anyway. Austin looks like shit.

Dirty blonde hair, messy. Stubble a little longer than normal, forming a short beard. Eyes hollow, deep set eye bags presenting themselves.

“Have you had an update from your lawyer?” I ask, thanking Blue as I take my tea from her.

“Yeah,” he scrubs his face, elbows on the breakfast bar, head hung low.

“And?” I press.

“He is telling me to take the plea.”

My blood runs cold.


I knew why.

“Because my chances are looking slim of being proven innocent, I don't see any other way out of it. They've done their investigation and post mortem...”

“And what was the cause of death?”

“Impact to the head, that’s what caused him to die,” he licks his lips.

I curl my fingers round the mug of my hot tea.

“There was no impact to the head, sure we all roughed him up but he didn't fall back did he? There was nothing for him to have hit his head on was there? He was a little dazed sure, but he ran away didn't he?”

My heart aches. I hate that he is looking to me for reassurance.

“He did,” I nod.

“I've told them all of this. I've told them over and over,” and I watch as his face falls, his eyes glassy and fuck, my stomach hurts.

“Don't say anything about taking the plea, leave it with me a bit longer yeah?” I clasp my hand over his shoulder, giving him a friendly squeeze.

He nods. And I hear Blue's heavy sigh.

“I don't know what else to suggest...” her eyes find mine, searching for something, anything that will get Austin off the blame train.

“I wish I had the answer Blue, I really do.” Lifting the mug to my lips, I take a mouthful.