Page 19 of Wildest Dreams

I didn't know what to do. Aspen wasn't here anymore. I didn't even see Orla and Jorge but they might be with Aspen?

Who knows.

I reach for the bedside unit, dragging the drawer open and picking up my phone. My heart sinks a little as guilt weighs heavy on my shoulders. I shouldn't be here. I should be staying at Sylvia's.

I was here for one thing and one thing only.

To say goodbye to my daughter’s father and get everything he had.

I check my emails and see a notification from my agent, Lucian. My mood instantly turns sour.


Dixie, you can't just run away. I will catch up with you, and let’s be honest, it's not going to be hard to find you.

Turning my phone off, I throw it back in my drawer when I hear Tripp scream and an almighty bang. My eyes widen and land on Lainey, who screams, and I am up, scooping her against my chest to soothe her back to sleep.

I begin to sing softly, dancing around my room, my hand patting her tooshie until I feel her little body fall heavy. Placing a kiss on the top of her head, I lay her back down and cover her with a light blanket. It's not overly cold, but there is a nip in the air during the evenings.

I go to sit back on my bed when I hear my bedroom door open, and I see Tripp’s boot.

“I'm so sorry,” he whispers, wincing.

“It's fine, she's back asleep,” I smile, standing and walking towards the door, closing it behind me.

He nods, but I can tell he isn't really here with me.

“All okay?” I ask, but not wanting to pry.

“Yeah, fine,” he rolls his lips, hands pushed into his back pockets.

“Good,” silence creeps over us, my eyes darting around the large space that we're both just lingering in.

“Dinner is being dished up,” he almost grunts as he walks towards the stairs, and I follow.

When we reach the kitchen, everyone is back. My brows furrow, but it's not my place to speak, so, I keep quiet until I am spoken to.

We take our seats; Jorge says grace and Orla tells us to dish up. Brisket, jus, mashed potato and string greens.

I am starving.

“How was your day?” Jorge asks Orla, and I chew on my mouthful.

The brisket is amazing.

“It was nice,” she smiles, lifting her eyes to me. “We went shopping for Lainey and Dixie and then we all went for lunch at Sunny's, it was a lovely girls day out,” and I can tell that today meant a lot to her.

“It was lovely, I hope you didn't mind me gate crashing,” Aspen looks between myself and Orla.

“Of course not,” I smile, and Orla gives her daughter-in-law an adoring look.

“How about you dear, how was your day?” Orla asks Jorge and he sighs.

“Same old, popped down to see the cowboys. Seems they all got a little rowdy last night, sore heads this morning. Upped their workloads.”

“Dad,” Riggs grunts.

“Someone has to tell them. Where were you today?”