Page 14 of Wildest Dreams

“What do you do Aspen?” I try and deter the conversation.

“I'm an author,” she sits tall, and I can see the pride beaming out of her.

“What happened to the show jumping?” I don't mean to pry, but it makes me a little sad that she didn't get her dream.

“I had to find a new dream,” and I don't miss the sad smile that graces her lips.

Sunny appears with our drinks, and we thank her. I reach for my coffee and wrap my hands around the warm cup.

“I had a bad accident, and I just lost all my confidence. I never got back on a horse until a few months ago and I have Riggs to thank for that,” her eyes well slightly and I don’t miss the glint to her hazel eyes as tears form. Orla reaches acrossand places her hand on top of Aspen's. “But here we are, things happen. You just have to decide what you're going to do with it. So, I started writing. I wrote mine and Riggs' love story and I go on tour with my publisher in a few months.”

“Wow,” I mean it. I am in awe. “Congratulations Aspen, that is amazing,” and I see the sparkle in her ring lining my next question up nicely. “When are you getting married?” I ask.

“We have so much to sort out so decided the back end of Summer would be better for us. Only keeping it small, getting married on the ranch.” She turns to look at Orla and gives her a smile. “We're going for a cookout, haybales, live singers; a proper rustic and country wedding. It'll be perfect. I just want to marry the man I have loved for all my life,” and with that, my heart throbs.

“Sounds perfect,” I smile, eyes all watery.

“If you're still here, we would love to have you.” I roll my lips.

“We will see,” I give a shrug of my shoulders, because honestly? Who knows what will happen.



Iam mad.

Beyond mad.

My parents are too good. Well, my mom more than my dad. He just goes along with it now.

The kitchen is stacked with grocery bags, there is a cute white highchair sitting in the corner and new toys everywhere. I would have liked to have had a say in this, but no, of course I just get it sprung on me.

I'm pacing up and down the hallway and Riggs is watching me, letting out a low chuckle every now and then.

“Glad you think it's funny,” I stop for a moment and place my hands on my hips, my foot is tapping. “How would you have liked it if mom and dad moved Aspen in when she first came back?”

That soon shut him up.

His mouth opens then shuts like a damn guppy fish in a bowl.

“Exactly,” I cross my arms across my front when I see my dad emerge from the kitchen.

“Stop sulking,” he groans, taking some bags up the stairs and no doubt into Dixie's room. He is back down in moments.

“I don't understand why you asked her to stay,” I stammer out.

“You do realise the life that girl had, right?” He stands toe to toe with me, and Riggs stands a little taller, eyes on me the whole time.

Dad has softened in his old age, but we all remember what he was like when we were just kids.

“Fully aware.”

“Then let us do something for her, she is back for a reason, but there is something in that girl’s eyes that shows just how terrified she is to be back here. So put your fucking differences aside, and for her sake, make her feel welcome. It's the least you could do.”

My dad's tone is abrupt but what he is saying is true and I kinda hate it.

“Fine, but don't think I’ll be helping out and be a ‘step in daddy’, I have enough shit on my plate that I need to deal with without having to deal with a broken-hearted girl and her bastard kid as well.”