“It'll blow over, the funeral is this week isn't it?”
I stiffen.
“Yeah Friday, we're all going to go. Want to show how as a town we're all united. The ranches all stay together, and albeit, Clay had an ulterior motive, he was still one of us.”
“Yeah, we're closed Friday too, he used to come here every day for his breakfast roll and coffee,” Sunny turns to look at Aspen, “as you well know,” a soft giggle leaves her.
Did they used to date?
“It was only once okay, and Tripp told me he came here to order. It was all a set up.” Aspen waves her hand in front of her.
Double fuck.
“Anyway, sorry, I have been chewing your ear off. What can I get you?” Sunny smiles, tapping the screen of her till.
“I'll have an oat cappuccino and a cheese and tomato baguette,” Orla says, reaching into her purse for her wallet. Sunny turns her attention to Aspen.
“Ooo, I'll have an iced latte with caramel syrup and cold foam,” I blink a couple of times, “and I'll have the tuna salad please.”
Then all eyes land on me.
My heart jack hammers.
“Can I just have a white coffee and tuna baguette please?” I fist in for my card, but Orla just shakes her head from side to side as she swipes her card through the reader.
“All done, take a seat and I’ll bring it over,” Sunny smiles as she passes the receipt over to the barista.
“Thank you, Sunny,” Orla says softly, popping a ten dollar note into the tip jar. Orla ushers us over to a window table. We all take our seats and Aspen slips her phone out of her jean pocket and checks her emails.
I am grateful Lainey is still sleeping.
“I need to get her stroller out the trunk of my car.” I say quietly.
“We can stop at Rusty's before we go home,” Orla smiles as she places her sunglasses in her purse.
“Thank you,” my voice is quiet as I turn my attention onto the sidewalks of Lovelock Bay town.
“So, what brings you back home?” Aspen asks, pulling my attention.
“Just some personal things I need to finalize,” I give a soft nod.
“Ah okay, so you're sticking around for a while?”
What is this? Twenty questions?
“A while yeah, thanks to Orla and Jorge. Just until I sort myself out.” I smile at Orla, and she beams.
“Well, I am happy about it. Be nice to have another girl join the gang. It's only me and Harlow and the testosterone is a little much,” Aspen says and Orla laughs.
“Try living with it. Always wanted a girl; I used to dress Pacey up in girl clothes when he was a couple of months old, you know, just to get my fix.”
And now me and Aspen giggle.
“I do feel for you, them Rivera men...” Aspen puffs her cheeks out.
“Tell me about it,” Orla rolls her eyes before laughing.