Page 127 of Wildest Dreams

“Tripp,” Riggs’ voice vibrates through his body and when my red rimmed eyes lift, I see my dad stumbling out with Dixie in his arms just as the fire truck pulls into the parking lot. They file out in a group as two rush towards my dad and Dixie, the rest of the group rush into the burning building whilst the other group stands guard and waits for orders with their hoses.

Riggs begins moving, trying to drag me with him, Pacey hooks himself under my arm when suddenly I feel another arm wrap around us. Looking over my shoulder I see Austin. My three best friends lifting me across to where my dad lays Dixie down before he himself collapses in a heap on the floor next to her, his fingers brushing over hers before he goes still.

“Dad!” Riggs screams as they place me next to Dixie and lay me down as softly as they can a dead weight of a man.

“We need help!” Pacey shouts, his voice cracking as the emergency services arrive, paramedics running across and rolling my dad onto his back as they press for a pulse.

“Dixie,” I whisper, brushing my trembling fingers across her smoke covered cheek.

Laying my head on her chest, I try and listen for her heartbeat.

“Don't leave me baby, please...” I beg as I hear the paramedics calling for oxygen.

“We need you to move away,” they call, their voices floating over from where they’re trying to get to my dad.

“I'm not moving,” I hear Riggs' voice, it’s broken and gravelly. My eyes lift as I look at my dad on the floor, Riggs palming his cheeks and I realize he is crying.

“You need to, I have to start chest compressions,” and the pain that sears through my heart is unbearable.

Closing my eyes as the tears roll down my cheeks, I press my ear back onto her cheat and try to listen, try to hear a slither of her heart beating when I am gently lifted from her body.

“No, no, no, no,” I beg as another group of paramedics try and move me but I cling onto her lifeless body. I don’t want to let go.

“We can't save her if you don't move,” but I am frozen. I don't want to leave her. I can’t.

I feel arms wrap around my upper body and lift me as I start screaming.

“No, I can't leave her, please, no,” I am full on sobbing through screams, tears burning my cheeks and when I look, it's Conrad.

“I've got you; she is going to be okay,” and I watch as they begin pumping on her chest, trying to kick start her heart and all I can do is watch as two of the most important people in my life lay on the dusty floor whilst paramedics try and bring them back to life.

Everything after that slows down, the greedy flames consuming The Boot, the way the smoke tarnishes the clearnight sky, the way we all stand helpless as we watch. Riggs, Pacey and Austin standing over my dad as we watch as they work on him before my eyes finally drag across to Dixie. She's all alone.




Please Dixie.


Don't leave me.


Come on. If not for me, for Lainey.


I love you.

“We've got a pulse, get her in the ambulance,” the medic screams as they help slide her onto the bed and lift her into the ambulance and my eyes follow as she gets taken away. Slowly, ever so painfully slowly my eyes skate across to my dad.

I watch as they still work on him, and with each press, comes a new stroke of fear.

And I know when they lift their heads and givethelook, that we've lost him.