Page 12 of Wildest Dreams

I look over my shoulder again and look at Lainey. All anxiety hashes out in a moment as I focus on her, but when I turn to face the front, Tripp is standing in front of the truck. His eyes are dark, a scour etched into his face and his fists are balled by his side.

Riggs eventually clasps his shoulder tightly and drags him back into the house, Aspen follows Riggs and presses onto her tiptoes to give him a kiss goodbye before she skips towards the truck.

Orla climbs in the front, Aspen in the back as she quietly closes the door.

“Sorry about that,” Orla dusts herself off an imaginary flint.

“No, Orla, I am sorry. Maybe I should just go to Sylvia's.” I wince.

“Not a chance. This ismyhome, you'remyguest. You're staying.”

“You don't mess with mama Rivera,” Aspen perches herself between the two seat headrests, a wide smile on her face.

“This is Aspen, my Riggs' partner. Aspen…”

“Dixie, yeah I know. You were the topic of conversation over our cup of coffee this morning,” and I wince, shrinking.

“I bet,” I nibble on my nail bed when Orla pulls my hand away.

“Don't you worry about him. He will come around. He just has a lot going on at the moment.” I watch as Aspen sulks back into her chair, Orla's face tightens as she starts the engine.

“Okay,” I mutter. The tension continues to grow for the duration of the journey towards the town and I am grateful to get out the car. I unstrap Lainey's car chair and follow Orla towards a small coffee shop calledSunny's.

The small bell dings above the door and the smell of fresh coffee entices me in further.

“Mrs Rivera, Aspen,” a pretty dark-haired girl says from behind the counter.

“Afternoon Sunny,” Orla smiles as she approaches the counter. “How are you?”

“I can't complain,” she smiles wide, “I have a date tomorrow night, I am super excited.”

“Ooo, who with?” Aspen perches her elbows on the counter, wiggling her brows up and down.

“Just some out of towner,” I see the way Aspen's mouth pops open before spreading into a wide grin. “Conrad has asked a couple of times but I am not so sure…” she trails off, eyes moving towards Aspen.

“I can totally see it,” she says, straightening up, “you and Conrad... what a couple,” Aspen winks and Sunny's cheeks blaze.

Sunny's eyes trail to me and her brows furrow as she waits for my introduction.

“This is Dixie, she is staying here a while up at the Rivera Ranch,” Aspen answers for me, then her eyes fall to my daughter. “And this is beautiful little Lainey” she coos and I wave awkwardly.

“Hi Dixie,” Sunny smiles before turning her attention back to Aspen.

“How's Austin?” she kind of whispers it, leaning close.

“Hiding,” she sighs, her head dropping forward and shaking it from side to side.

“It'll be okay, the whole town is behind him.”

“I hope so.”

“And Pacey? I miss his cheeky smile every morning.”

“He is with Austin. Think he is struggling with it more than he lets on,” Orla nods softly. Sunny just nods back.

“And Tripp? He must be struggling after he lost his badge,” and my ears prick.Badge? Was he Sheriff?

“It's just temporary, conflict of interest and all that,” Orla lets out a heavy sigh but stands a little taller.