“Excuse me?” the judge says a little louder.
“I saw Clay the night of his death. He threatened me on my ranch. Fists were thrown and I roughed him up a bit. He spooked my wife, scared her half to death. He kept rambling that he was coming for my sons. But something didn't seem right with him. He was disoriented, his pupils were dilated. He looked scruffy and dirty, eyes rolling... he came for me. In self-defence I hit him in the face with the stock of my gun,” he pauses for a moment and looks down at my mom, tears streaming down her face. “He went down easy, I had busted his nose, dazed him no doubt. I lowered myself down, felt for his pulse and it was there... barely though. I ran back into the house to reach my cell to call 911, but when I came back outside, Clay was gone.”
I swallow. I can't believe he just outed himself.
The judge sighs, her mouth opening to speak when Conrad stands up.
“If you're going to charge either of them, then you need to charge me too...”
“And me,” Marty stands and so does Hudson.
“And me,” Riggs stands, his fingers laced with Aspen's still. “I put a bullet in his dead body once the sheriff was called,” and I see the pain flash across his eyes.
The judge bangs her gavel against the sound block.
“Order, order,” she says loudly, trying to silence the courtroom.
Slowly, they all take their seats.
“Can I see the autopsy results for Mr Attaway again?” she asks, eyes bouncing between Austin's lawyer and the Attaway’s lawyer.
“They should have been given to you prior to the hearing.”
Austin's lawyer stands up, hands in his pockets.
“I would like to see them again,” her eyes narrow on him before they move towards Wallen and Lucian.
Reluctantly, the Attaway's lawyer bends and slips out a manila envelope and I see how both of their eyes widen. He steps forward with the sealed envelope, Lucian and Wallen rush to their feet and you can see the panic that is slowly suffocating them.
He passes it to the judge, and I realize that this is evidence that hasn't been put forward.
They fucking gave a fraudulent report.
Her brow raises and I see the lawyers shoulders sag forward.
She pulls the envelope open and pulls the paperwork out, a loud sigh filling the deafly silent courtroom.
“It says here that Mr Attaway’s cause of death was a heart attack. Yes, he had head trauma, but none of which killed him,” her eyes slice to Lucian and Wallen. “Sheriff,” she calls up Kelcie and he stands tall. “Detain both of these men until I have had a chance to actually sit and read through this case file again... it seems I have been lied to,” she shakes her head from side to side before her green eyes land on Austin.
“Mr Austin Warren...” she trails off for just a moment and I know that we're all holding our breath. “You're free to go.”
The courtroom erupts in cheers as the judge hits her gavel again.
Silence trickles over the room as she turns her attention towards the Attaway's lawyer.
“I would also like to know if Mr Clay Attaway had any legitimate children. If so, another hearing will be arranged to go through his estate.”
And my heart thrums in my chest.
“Court dismissed,” the loud sound of the gavel hitting the sound board echoes as we all stand ready to embrace Austin, but there isn't even a hint of a smile on his face. The court guard walks across and unlocks Austin's handcuffs before leading him out back to collect his belongings. Blue is wrapped in Buck's arms, and our mom is crying happy tears whilst my dad is comforting her.
I shuffle, reaching for my crutches as Pacey helps me to my feet.
“Where you going?” his brow crinkles.
“Just need some air,” I nod.