“Of course, let me pack this away and get the brisket on and I will be good to go.” Orla says and I take that as my cue to leave.
I get Lainey washed and changed before breastfeeding her. I didn't want to say in front of Jorge that I breastfeed and didn't need the formula milk, but I'll bring it with me and tell Orla to refund it.
Lainey's chubby little hands reach up and play with my mom's old necklace, a round golden pendant with two crystal stars sitting alongside the moon. The stars connected by a string, tied off with a dainty heart.
She always said we were the stars, she was the moon. Always there, even when we couldn't see her.
Lainey's wide blue eyes are on me, black long lashes framing them. Her hair dark and curly. I am obsessed with everything about her.
The love of my life.
This is all for her.
Everything I do in this life is for her.
This wasn't what I planned when I came back to Lovelock Bay, but I am eternally grateful to Orla and Jorge. I just hope Tripp is okay with what his parents have offered, but honestly, I am not holding my breath.
Orla is patient whilst I scour the shelves trying to work out what I need. I packed enough for a long weekend, but I needed more clothes just in case this trip isn’t as quick as I planned. I filled my cart with everything me and Lainey needed. Once paid, we loaded it into the back of Orla's truck then headed back to the grocery store.
We agreed to donate the unwanted formula and I grabbed a couple of must needs. Orla pushed the cart, talking to Lainey and soothing her when needed. We loaded the truck back up and Orla pulled out the carpark.
“Shall we pop into town for lunch? We can dump the bags at home with Jorge?” Orla turns to face me, a wide smile on her face.
“I don't mind unloading? But yes, lunch sounds lovely,” and it does, but my stomach knots when I think about how much I have just loaded on my already busting credit card.
“No, don't be silly. Jorge can do it, he doesn't do much on a Saturday, so it won't hurt him,” she winks and a wide grin presses against my lips as I look out the window at the town I grew up in, but feel like I was robbed of, if that even makes sense.
Looking over my shoulder, Lainey is softly snoring in her car seat and my heart races under my skin, but that racing soon turns to dread when I see Tripp's truck parked back on the drive.
“Don't you worry about Tripp,” Orla reads my thoughts and I turn to look at her, brows furrowed. “He comes across grumpy, but he is my sunshine boy. Let me deal with him. You stay in here with Lainey, I won't be a moment,” she smiles sweetly at me and slips out the truck. She is so petite and looks ridiculous driving this big truck, but she somehow suits it.
I crinkle my nose as I squint and look over the pastures, the cows free roaming and the silence that I was enjoying is soon clipped short when I hear the sound of a truck approaching. I lower my head slightly and notice the truck slowing beside me,and there he was, Riggs Rivera. A slow smirk tugs at his lips, his eyes hidden behind tinted aviators and of course, his signature cowboy hat.
I see Aspen peek around him and give me a small wave. I don't remember much about her, just knew she was the up and coming show jumper of Lovelock Bay.
I shrink in my chair and just as Riggs rolls to a stop, a thunderous Tripp storms out the house, Orla running after him.
My heart jumps into my throat and I feel sick.
Riggs is out the truck, pushing his hands against Tripp’s chest, trying to knock him back and Aspen is rounding the front of the hood, trying to squeeze between the two brothers.
My hands are over my mouth and guilt consumes me whole.
“Calm the fuck down,” I hear Riggs bellow and Tripp finally seems to calm. Jorge is out on the porch, hands on his hips and Aspen is looking between me and Tripp.
Ground swallow me up, please Lord.
Orla barges past her son, an equally thunderous look painted on her pretty face and Aspen is hot on her heels.
“Aspen, honey, help me with these bags,” Orla says, but I don't miss the tremble in her voice.
“Sure thing,” Aspen chirps, loading herself with the bags and as she passes, she mouthshi.
My cheeks flame.
Riggs walks past and gives a curt nod, a smile on his face the whole time and you just know that he is loving every moment of this.