I let my eyes close again, and I lose myself in happy memories.
And only then does my heart feel like it's really beating in my chest.
I am dressedin one of the few outfits I shoved into my small suitcase. Bootleg jeans and a white knotted shirt with a gray tank underneath. My chocolate brown hair is in loose waves, tumbling down my back. I walk into the room and see Lainey sitting with Jorge.
My eyes glisten but I blink the unshed tears away before anyone notices.
“Hey,” I hold my hand up then lock my fingers in front of me.
Jorge smiles at me, before he focuses his attention back on Lainey.
Orla rounds the corner and pops a fresh pot of coffee on.
“I hope you didn't mind that I offered to bring her downstairs?” she half asks, and I can hear the cautiousness in her voice.
I was drying my hair when Lainey started fussing, Orla kindly offered to help.
“Of course not,” I smile, sheepishly walking into the kitchen and dragging a stool out to sit on. The whole house is rustic. Typical ranch home. It's beautiful.
“Are you hungry? I am going to be making brisket shortly for dinner, but I have some fresh bread that has not long finished. I was going to make some sandwiches if you are?” She potters around, and only when I watch her do I realise she has been grocery shopping. There are nappies, formula, baby food, purees and snacks for Lainey. As well as some toys and a highchair that is sitting in the box.
“Did you get her all of this?” and I don't know why, but my voice squeaks.
“I did,” Orla turns, “did I overstep?” her face falters for just a moment thinking that she has upset me.
“No, not at all. But please, let me write you a check.”
I go to stand and find my purse, but Jorge clears his throat which gains my attention.
“Please, sit back down,” the softness in his voice makes me feel warm and I swallow the lump that is lodged in my throat back down. “It's our treat, we have the room, we have space and well, the room is yours and Lainey's if you want it?”
I choke on a sob that I am fighting to hold in and reach for a tissue box that is sat in the middle of the woodwork surface. I grab one and dab my eyes.
“You've been so kind,” I sniffle.
“For you Dixie, we would do anything. You deserve a home to feel welcome in, to feel safe in…” Orla's voice is tight as she stands behind Jorge. “I know this is probably a flying visit, but you have a home here, if you want it of course.”
I break eye contact and focus on my hands, fiddling with my tear-soaked tissue. I am not used to people being so kind to me, there was only one that had a kind heart, and it was Orla and Jorge's son.
Inhaling a shaky breath, I lift my head to focus on the two people who have opened their home to me and my daughter.
“My plan was not to stay here...” I pause for a moment and look at Lainey. She is reaching up and grabbing Jorge's nose, he is smiling down at her and my heart warms in my chest. “I have some things I need to sort out, but honestly, I have nowhere else to go... I was going to stay at Sylvia's but...”
I see their silently begging eyes on me.
“I would love to stay here, only if you promise you don't mind?”
Orla claps her hands together and rounds the center island, wrapping her arms around me.
“Thank you so much,” I sniffle as tears prick in my eyes again, “you'll never know how much this means to me.”
“It's the least we can do,” Orla chokes, squeezing me a little tighter.
She breaks away and I stand, swooping a fussing Lainey from Jorge and he sets about unboxing her highchair.
“If there is anything I have missed or she needs, please let us know and we can run back to the store...”
“Actually, there are a few things I would like to grab, would you mind taking us?” I ask, popping Lainey's pacifier into her mouth and bouncing her on my hip.