Page 46 of Barbed Wire Hearts

Georgia is looking at her funny, too, clearly sensing the same thing as I am. Something changed. Whatever that collar means, it’s something profound to her. She’s been secretive the whole time she’s been here and as far as I know, I’m the only one who knows where she comes from. Who did she tell where she was going? Family? Friends? What does this collar mean? I know nothing and it’s driving me insane.

“Of course. We’ll see you later, Georgia.”

“Bye, Sug! Call me to hang out, Kate. I could use a night off.”

Kate nods, but she’s not completely here, her eyes reflecting inward, her body tense. The moment we’re in the truck, I ask again.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

She nods again, but doesn’t speak this time. It’s only as I put the truck in gear that I realize she has the collar clutched in her hand, her knuckles white.

I can’t help if she won’t tell me what’s wrong. She doesn’t speak anymore so it’s a tense trip back. No matter how many times I ask what’s wrong, she won’t tell me, but her eyes grow more haunted the closer we get to the ranch. I keep glancing over at her, worried, not sure how to help. Once we pull into the ranch and I park my truck, she’s already got the door open before we’ve even stopped, her body halfway out.

“Kate! What the hell?” I growl, leaping out after her after I throw the truck into park. “What the hell is going on?”

She stops only because I block her path, but she doesn’t look up at me.

I grab the collar and lift it. Her hand stays attached so I end up shaking her arm as well as the collar. “What is this?” I ask. “What does it mean?”

Her gaze slowly trails up until she meets my eyes. “Trouble,” she whispers. “It means trouble.”

And then she’s rushing around me, practically running to her cabin.

Fuck that! No!

“Kate! Wait!” I shout as I take off running after her.



Ican see Wiley and Levi out the corner of my eyes, both of them sitting on the porch of the house in the rocking chairs. At Dakota’s shout for me, they both stand, frowns on their faces. No, no, no, no, no. This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening!

Everything’s about to be ruined!

I should have known better than to stop. I should have kept going and kept a low profile. Instead, I’ve been gallivanting around town as if I’m safe, as if I’ve ever been safe here. I’d thought it was far enough removed that it would be. Clearly, I was wrong. Which leaves only one solution.

I have to run again.

“Kate!” Dakota growls, his frustration and confusion in his voice. “Kate, stop!”

His hand grabs me around the forearm and spins me, stopping me in my tracks. But I’m already panicked, and I jerk at his hold, not because I’m afraid of him, but because I’m overwhelmed. I’m afraid of what’s coming.

Levi and Wiley start coming down the stairs toward us. Fuck! I can’t do this. I can’t keep my cool right now.

“What’s going on?” Wiley asks, his eyes on where Dakota holds me.

“Something’s wrong,” Dakota growls. “She got a package in town and now she’s acting like this.”

“What was in the package?” Levi asks.

Dakota throws him the dog collar I hadn’t even realized he’d taken. When had I dropped it?

Levi turns it over in his hands while Wiley leans in.

“A dog collar?” Wiley says, just as confused as Dakota.

“No,” Levi says, and his eyes meet mine. I realize he understands exactly what it is. “Not for dogs. For people.”