“Nonsense,” Dakota grunts. “You’re a great help. And now that you know what you’re doin’, you’re even pretty fast,” he teases. “Don’t let this one thing discourage you. You did nothing wrong.”
“Kind of feels that way,” I mumble, looking down at my hands.
The radio starts playing a song I recognize from the windows of his truck, one my mom used to listen to. I perk up. “Garth Brooks,” I say, looking over my shoulder at the truck. “My mom loved this song.”
Dakota grins. “I knew there was some country in you somewhere.” He holds out his hand. “I believe I promised you a dance.”
I blink. “Here? But. . .”
“What’s wrong, city girl?” he teases. “No one’s ever danced with you in a parking lot?”
I hesitate. “No.”
“Then I’m happy to be your first.”
He looks at me expectantly and I find myself slipping my hand into his despite everything I’ve learned and all that happened. I let him pull me from the tailgate and pull me close. Unlike Levi, he doesn’t keep distance between us, but he doesn’t press so tightly to me like Wiley does. His hands gently rest on my hips as we start to sway side to side, and the tension in my body slowly melts away. When he steps back and spins me, I’ve decided that I’m officially in trouble. Wiley’s charm won me over quickly, but Dakota is a medium burn, his eyes telling me everything he wants to do but hiding behind a stoic posture and expression. Levi is a slow burn, a raging inferno that won’t let me get too close without getting injured. Dakota is quicksand, gently pulling me under, but in no hurry. And Wiley? Wiley is a hurricane. Either way, they’re all disasters to my heart.
“This is nice,” I whisper.
The sound of other cars starting and driving away behind us only seems to add to the atmosphere as we slow dance to Garth Brooks on his radio.
“It is,” he says, looking down at me with a smile.
When our eyes meet, our dancing slows, and we just stare at each other. The tension between us shoots high so suddenly, it nearly steals my breath. When he leans down, I don’t even think twice about standing on my tiptoes. He presses a soft kiss against my lips, his beard brushing against my face. It’s commanding but gentle, all-consuming, and I get lost in the feeling.
Someone clears their throat and I pull back with a blink, staring up at him with wide eyes before looking over where Wiley stands with a grin.
“Well, now, if I’d have known we were kissing out here, I’d have hurried back,” he teases, looking anything but angry despite the fact I’d just been kissing Dakota.
I flush. “I. . .uh. . .”
“Relax, witchy woman,” Wiley teases, coming over to press a kiss against my knuckles. Dakota lets him, his eyes sparking when he releases me. “If I minded you kissing my besties, I’d let you know.” He leans down. “Besides, now I’m thinking about how hot it’d be if Dakota bent you over this tailgate and fucked you out here where anyone could see. I’d really like to watch that.”
My blush deepens. “What?”
He grins and kisses me on the forehead. “Come on. Levi started walking back to clear his head. We’ll pick him up on the way.”
And then because I’m still shell shocked, he lifts me and carries me to the front seat, getting me inside before hopping in the back. I glance over at Dakota when he hops in the driver seat before he plops my hat back on my head. I must have left it on the tailgate. I don’t even remember. When he catches me staring, he winks, mischief in his eyes, before he throws the truck into gear, and we leave.
What. . . have I just gotten myself into?
Kate is quiet on the way back to the ranch. When we find Levi walking along the road, we stop briefly enough for him to hop in and the air hangs even heavier as he adds his broodiness to the tension. It’s been a long night, so it’s probably just something like that. But still, I worry.
Perhaps we shouldn’t have pushed Kate. Maybe one of us should have asked first if it was okay that all three of us pursue her.
Of course, Levi ain’t pursuing anyone right now. Big bastard refuses to admit he likes Kate and yet we have all the evidence we need now that he’d nearly killed a guy for her. I’d talked to the EMTs while Dakota had been busy slow dancing with Kate. Apparently, that asshole has some extensive damage and we’re gonna be lucky if we don’t have charges brought up on us. It’s worth it though. He’d grabbed Kate. Any one of us would have done the same thing in that position.
Of course, Dakota and I might not have gotten so close to killing him.
Levi’s demons are. . . well, they’re bigger than either mine or Dakota’s. We all have our darkness, sure, but the monsters that haunt Levi are arguably more dangerous. That’s why it’s a good thing he doesn’t usually hang around other people, but he’d come out because of Kate. I have no doubt about that. He’d even danced with her! I can’t remember the last time I saw him dance. It had to have been before his accident.
“We all just gonna sit in awkward silence the rest of the way home?” I grumble, glancing between the three of them. When no one answers, I sigh. “It really wasn’t that big of a deal. It’s all good?—”
“Levi almost killed that bastard,” Dakota points out.