Page 69 of Barbed Wire Hearts

“I’m fine,” I argue. “Just a bunch of bruises.”

“You’re bleeding on your arm,” Wiley points out.

I look down and blink in surprise to find I am actually bleeding from a deep scratch there. “It’s just a scratch,” I counter. “I’ll be okay.”

“Come on,” Dakota growls. “Let’s get you two up.”

Everyone fuses over us as they help us up and get us into the side-by-side. Levi is worse off than I am, his limp more pronounced than ever as they help him into the seat. He winces in pain as they move him, but he doesn’t complain. Dakota forces me into the side-by-side with him.

“You ride in there with him,” he orders, his voice serious, but I can still see the panic in his eyes.

“We’re okay,” I remind him and touch his forearm.

He leans in and presses his forehead against mine, his eyes closing for a moment. I can feel his pain, his anxiety, the horror he doesn’t show anyone. From anyone on the outside, he looks as stoic and in control as ever.

“We’re okay,” I whisper again, and he nods before pulling back.

“Come on, everyone. Excitement’s over. We’ve got a drive to tend to,” he says, but his eyes linger on me and Levi as Levi adjusts himself and starts the side-by-side.

“You good?” I whisper, not wanting Dakota to hear. After all, I’d just told him we were fine, no matter if my body is screaming at me and my boots are still full of water.

“No,” he whispers back honestly. “But I will be.”

“I’m sorry about your back,” I murmur, guilt starting to eat its way into me. “Thank you for saving me.”

He glances at me. “You didn’t think I’d let you die, did you?”

“I just. . . I saw your hesitation,” I murmur, looking down so I don’t have to see it in his eyes.

He grabs my chin so roughly, it surprises me. He jerks my face toward him, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

“I’m not the man I once was, princess,” he growls. “I’m broken in many ways, but my physical state gets in the way of many things. The hesitation wasn’t for you. It was for me because I wasn’t sure how capable I was of saving you.” He presses his lips roughly against mine in a kiss that feels more desperate than sweet. “If it means you get to live, I’ll break my back a thousand times over, again and again. Remember that.”

And then he releases my chin and puts the side-by-side in gear, dismissing the emotions that had been flowing from his eyes.

I sit there, surprised, awe struck, and a little terrified of what Levi will do to keep me safe.

How can I ever protect him the same in return?



Idon’t get back on Hermioneigh the rest of the day. This time, when we cross the river, I stay on the side-by-side with Levi. Wiley uses his belt to tie across the side so I’m not swept out of it, giving another barrier just in case. “Because I’m so small,” he’d said, worry in his eyes. Everyone’s nerves are on edge. Understandably so. I can’t help but look over at Levi every so often, worried for him with every wince. He’s spent a lot of time strengthening his muscles to combat his back, but one good hit is all it took to set him back. I’ve offered to get him ice a few times, but he just waves away my concern and continues to drive. Once we get all the dogs across, we drive the cattle only another mile before we settle down for the night. Too much has happened and most of us are exhausted by the time we camp. I end up helping Levi out of the side-by-side when he grunts with pain after moving. Wiley rushes over to help and it seems like every cowboy comes up to check how we’re doing and to offer their help. Someone gives Levi a heat pad he doesn’t have to plug in, and another brings us a large bottle of whiskey just in case. It’s both the sweetest and most heartfelt gestures I’ve ever seen in my life.

“Gotta love cowboys,” Levi grunts as he takes a swig of the liquor before passing it to me.

After the day we just had, I take a swig, too. Kind of feels like we need it.

I’m thankful for the camper when it arrives. My clothes dried in a weird way and my boots are getting tight on my feet. My hat is lost somewhere down the river, but Naomi comes sweeping up with a new one for me the moment she arrives, her eyes wide.

“Are you okay?” she asks. “Dakota told us what happened.”

I don’t know why it’s Naomi that does it, but the moment she asks me if I’m okay is the exact moment I’m not. Sometimes, someone asking you if you’re okay just makes it worse. My eyes well so suddenly, it surprises me.

“Oh, honey,” she says, dragging me into her arms. “I know it was a scary thing. I’ve got you.”

The sobs come fast and without warning, until I can barely suck in air. She strokes my back gently before I’m suddenly passed away from her and wrapped in Levi’s arms. And then Wiley’s come around me, too. Only Dakota remains apart, his eyes watching the exchange as if he’s uncertain how to proceed. Naomi backs away and gives us space, so I reach out to Dakota. He hesitates, but steps close enough for me to grab and pull into our bear hug. I sob until my tears dry up and then I just stay in their arms, absorbing their warmth and comfort.