Page 92 of That One Heartbreak

“Are you Marley Hartson?” she frowned.

“Yeah. But I’m not expecting a delivery.”

“These have your name on them. And this is the right address.” She lifted a card from the bunch of flowers.

Marley Hartson. The construction site next to 1223 Warrington Road.

“Here you go,” the girl said, pushing the flowers toward him. “I have a lot of other deliveries to do.”

Before he could say anything else, she was rushing away, right through the wire gate that Pres was holding open, a huge grin on his face as he looked at his twin.

It had been two weeks since his first real date with Kate. A lot longer than that since he’d started falling for her.

Pres was still grinning as he walked over. “How come you get flowers? Nobody’s ever sent me roses before.”

“That’s between you and your wife,” Marley said. He pulled the little envelope open and took the card out.

Thank you for loving me. – Kate xx

Pres leaned over Marley’s shoulder, reading the card before Marley could slide it back into the envelope.

“Fuck. That’s pretty sweet.” Pres tipped his head to the side. “You told her you love her?”

Marley sighed. “Do we have to talk about this? Can’t I just go back to building my wall?”

“Nope. I need all the juicy details. Cassie’s gonna want to know.”

“Cassie doesn’t need to know anything.” Marley slid the envelope into his back pocket, because he was planning on keeping the card, his other hand still holding the bouquet of roses.

“Of course she does. And anyway, that was code for me needing to know but not wanting to show it.” Pres grinned. “So it’s serious between the two of you?”

“For me it is.”

“And for her?”

“It’s more complicated. She has the kids to think about.” Truth was, she planned to talk to the younger two next week. School ended today and tomorrow he and Kate were driving up to Jackson’s Mill to take James to camp. She’d already spoken with him and explained that she and Marley were dating.

Though dating didn’t seem a strong enough word for it in his opinion.

Whatever, words didn’t matter. Their relationship did. And they were progressing. And he’d take it at whatever pace she wanted.

“She loves you though, right?”

She hadn’t actually said the words. He got the feeling they were difficult for her. “She cares, yeah.” And that was all Pres was getting. He didn’t need anymore.

“Good. Because you’re a catch, man.”

“Says the guy who looks just like me.”

Pres laughed. “Just saying it how I see it. And I like Kate. She’s good for you.”

“She is?” Marley’s brows knit. “What do you mean?”

“I mean you seem calmer. Less… I don’t know, busy I guess.”

“I’m not busy because you’re making me talk to you,” Marley muttered.

“You’re happy though?” Pres continued. “At least tell me that.”