“I don’t know. But you don’t need to call them.” She tipped her head to the side. “So how’s it going? What’s Allen like?”
“He’s… nice?”
“You don’t sound so sure.”
Kate took a long, calming breath. “I don’t think it’s going anywhere.”
“Why not?” Shana sounded almost disappointed. “Is it the bald spot?”
“No.” Kate shook her head. “I’m not worried about his hair.” She didn’t care about that at all. “He’s just very, I don’t know. He likes to talk.”
“Isn’t that good? Better than silence?”
“I guess. I would just like to get a word in sometime.” She gave her friend a smile. “Listen, your work here is done. He’s fine. He’s not a serial killer. But he’s also not my type. I’m going to finish dinner and head home.” She hugged Shana. “Thank you for being here.”
Shana tried to hide her disappointment. “You want me to leave?”
“Yes,” Kate said firmly. It was painful enough sitting with that man. She didn’t need her friend watching.
“So there’s not going to be a wedding soon?” Shana pouted.
Kate laughed, because she knew her friend only wanted the best for her. “No. And there wouldn’t be, anyway. I’m just dipping my toe in the water.” And now she wanted to dry it off and go to bed. “I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”
Shana nodded. “I’ll go pay my bill and go home, then. If you’re sure…”
“I’m certain.”
“I should have stayed at your place with Marley and the kids,” Shana said, sounding wistful. “It would have been more fun.”
There was that jealousy again. Kate shot her friend a grim smile and walked back into the restaurant to rejoin her date. Because yeah, it wasn’t going anywhere but she wasn’t going to ghost him.
And she was definitely going to split the check.
The house was silent when she slid her key into the lock and pushed open the front door. Kate slid her shoes off and wriggled her toes, letting out a sigh at the relief at not wearing heels anymore.
Had Marley managed to get the kids to sleep without an argument?
Maybe he should come over every night and do the bedtime routine for her.
That thought sent a little thrill through her body that had no place being there. But she couldn’t help but imagine him walking out of the kids’ rooms and over to her, his lips brushing her own as he told her that the night was now theirs.
She needed to stop this train of thought. It was just a response to the date being so mediocre. Because that’s what it was. Not bad enough to tell a story about. Not like Shana’s terrible dating dramas. Just a little sad, a little boring. Not a single tingle in sight.
Pushing the living room door open, she noticed the television screen was the only light glowing. It was on the home screen, waiting for the next selection to be made. And then she lookedover at the sofa and her heart did a little thud against her ribcage.
Because Addy and Ethan were there. Curled up on either side of Marley. And all three of them were fast asleep.
Addy’s little head was nestled against Marley’s chest. Her rosebud lips pursed as she softly exhaled, her cheek pressed against his dark t-shirt.
Ethan’s head was against the sofa, but his side was pressed into Marley. Like he was seeking warmth even in sleep.
As for Marley, he looked almost serene in his slumber. His eyes were closed, his jaw relaxed, his mouth slightly parted. His denim-clad legs were stretched out, whereas Addy and Ethan were curled up.
She could see the outline of his thigh muscles through the denim and it made her cheeks flush.
Addy let out a sigh so full of contentment it made Kate’s chest tighten. When did her daughter last fall asleep against a man? James hated her trying to cuddle with him. She was used to Kate’s embrace. Soft and warm.
But she looked so peaceful. So safe right now. It felt like a shame to wake her up, but Marley needed to get home. Kate tiptoed over to where her daughter was sleeping and touched her shoulder.