"If you have any sense of self-preservation right now, Annabelle, you'll keep your mouth shut."
Sensing that he might be at the end of his tether, I snap my lips together and sit back quietly as he storms around the car, gets in on his side and slams shut his door.
"When Mont told me you were going dancing, I knew it was a bad idea," he growls as he slams his hands down on the steering wheel. "And then when Ethan texted me where you guys were, I almost got in the car to come fetch you and Suzie then. Do you have any idea how much of a shit-show that place is?"
Not sure if he wants me to say anything yet, I keep blinking at him, trying my best not to imagine him following through on his original threat of a spanking.
I obviously have a few screws loose and some kind of death wish if I'm thinking of being spanked by a forty-something-year-old I have no business fantasizing about.
Lorcan is still mumbling, the rumble of his voice doing things to me that I'd rather not think about when hefinally turns to me again, those piercing eyes of his looking straight through me.
"Dammit, Annie. What the fuck were you thinking, sneaking away from Ethan like that?"
I shrug and push caution to the wind before answering. "I wanted to forget all the bad things, and the only way to do that was by getting drunk enough. He wouldn't let me get drunk."
"Oh, little girl," he says, his voice a soft rumble now. "How I wish I could help you forget."
But he couldn't have said that last bit. Because that wouldn't make sense in any world.
However, before I can dive too deeply into the sentence he might have said, he leans over stealing all my attention. Lorcan’s mouth descends on mine. Is he about to kiss me? The thought barely flicks across my mind when all the icky, stinky, messy drinks decide they don't want to stay in my stomach anymore.
Chapter Six
The embarrassment one girl can experience in one evening should be limited. Like... there should be some rule or law of life that stops things from snowballing and turning into a clusterfuck.
Get drunk enough to pick a fight with your best friend and her cool older brother.Check.
Make a fool of yourself by telling your sob story to a girl even more fucked than you are.Double check.
Spill all your deep, dark secret feelings to the hot-as-sin and forbidden-as-fuck Daddy, nearly kiss him and then vomit all over his car.You gotta fucking believe I checked that bad boy off the list.
You have to think, at this point, life wouldn't throw any more my way on this particular night. It's the only plausible conclusion to come to. The only reasonable, fair, sane one.
Wrong! Nope! Not a chance. After all the literalvomit falls from my mouth I'm overcome with the worst case of word vomit ever.
"Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. I'm sorry. I'll, like, pay to have it cleaned. Or probably clean it myself because I can't afford to pay for it. But fuck." I wipe at the—eeew, I won't think about it, eeeuw—ick at my mouth while trying to figure out how I will get myself out of this mess. I can't see any napkins lying around and I don't really want to dig in his glove compartment. Especially not with my sick-covered hands. Which leaves me with exactly one other option.
"What the fuck are you doing, Annabelle?" Lorcan sounds exasperated as he reaches across the console to stop me from taking off my shirt.
"Cleaning up the puke," I explain. "I don't want to mess with anything else in here. This is all I have." I shrug, trying to shove his hands away so I can continue to take off the sparkly top. For a few seconds there we're batting at each other until the inside of the car turns electric and the scary beast in front of me growls.
"Dammit. Stop moving," he orders, and my entire body freezes mid-movement. "Stop trying to undress yourself. I don't have the patience to deal with this shit," he mutters this last line, so quietly I think he doesn't mean for me to hear it, but I do and the damage is done.
"I'm sorry," I whisper, leaning back and reaching to unbuckle myself. "I'll get out of your hair. There should be cabs to take. If you can give me the address to your house, I'll stop by in the morning to get my shit."
Before I can open the door and climb out, the locks click shut, the sound so loud in the quiet vehiclethat I flinch.
"I swear to everything holy, if you so much as move another inch, or say another word, I will spank you so hard you won't be able to sit for a week. Now give me a second to get some fucking control of myself, then we can figure out what to do next."
I don't move. I don't say a word. I don't so much as look in his direction.
My head and heart are such a mess at the moment I don't even know what I would have said if he hadn't ordered me to be quiet. Everything is still pretty fuzzy around the edges and worry over my fight with Suzie is gnawing at my gut. I can't believe I've done half the things I did tonight, and no matter how much I know I need to just stop, think and be reasonable, the needy subby side of me doesn't want to. She wants to be let free and my pushing her down since my breakup with Daddy Jackson is having some repercussions.
I've successfully avoided both Lorcan and Montgomery for a week now, and I'm sure I can continue to do so for a few more, so I just need to get through tonight. But I don't know what the hell I'm going to do after that. Maybe I should just fess up to Suzie about my attraction to her dads. She'd understand why I'd need to get out of her house then and onto other newer things.