Page 10 of Forbidden Impulses

If I wasn't so turned on by the sexy growl coming from him, I'd have been terrified of the set of anger on his shoulders. He is pissed off. At me. Between my actions last night, and the attitude I’m giving off right now, I can see why. And as much as I don't like the thought of pissing him off, I'm very excited to seewhat's going to happen next because there's an air of animalistic hunger to his stalking.

Lorcan moves into me, stepping up against me, pushing right up to the bed behind me, but before I can fall back, he wraps his arm around my waist and takes my face in his other hand.

"Annabelle, I've had about as much of your attitude as I'm willing to take. I threatened you with a spanking last night, and this is your last warning that it'snotan empty threat. Do you understand me?"

If his arm wasn't tightly wrapped around me, my legs would have given out underneath me. Suzie's very married, super-gay, incredibly sexy dad has his arm wrapped around me and is threatening to tan my hide. I don't know if I want to run and hide or jump him right now. It is hard enough to deal with the fact that I am attracted to the two older men, taken men. It's even more difficult trying to figure out how I feel about him being here, this close to me, and seemingly attracted to me too, if the bulge pressing up against me is anything to go by.

"I asked you a question, Annabelle," he says, his voice a low, threatening growl.

"Yes, Sir." When the easily remembered words fall from my lips, they're followed by a soft whimper—from me—and a tightening of our embrace from Lorcan.

"Now, you're going to get dressed. Then you will meet us for breakfast. Suzie and Ethan will be here in a few minutes to join us. I expect you have a few apologies you owe some people."

I nod in response to his order and explanation, and I'm rewarded with a slight hitch to his lips.

"One last thing," Lorcan says, his voice even softer and more dangerous than before.

Then his lips oh-so-slowly descend onto mine.

Now I can admit to fantasizing about kissing Lorcan and Montgomery over the last week. I'd have to be dead to have not used them as inspiration in my late-night self-love sessions. But none of those fantasies even come close to the real deal.

Lorcan's kiss starts soft and testing, his mouth coaxing mine before a soft moan escapes my lips. Once that small sign of enjoyment slips out, he takes it as permission and deepens the kiss. The fingers that were cupping my cheek slip into my hair and hold my head still as his tongue not only plunders into my mouth but takes possession in such a fierce way that I surrender completely.

I'm heaving for breath by the time his lips leave mine, but still manage a whine of discontent at the end of our kiss.

Lorcan rests his forehead against mine, and we stand there letting our heart rates quiet down and our breathing come back under control.

Oh fuck. What the fuckity fuck did I just do? I just made out with a married man!

Unclutching my hands from my clothes, I push against his chest. I need some space. I need to have my brain bleached so I can forget what just happened. But first I need to get him the fuck out of here so I can grab my trusty vibrator and get rid of all of this damn frustration!

"Well, looks like the two of you had some fun."

No. No. No. No. That is not the husband of the man I've just been making out with, standing in my bedroom door.

Chapter Eight


I'm going to hell.

That's it. I'm going to hell, and I can't even be mad because I deserve it for being a husband-stealing, best-friend-betraying brat. Oh, and being a coward.

Because when Montgomery showed up at my bedroom door, I pushed Lorcan away, grabbed my clothes and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me so quickly I'm sure I gave both men whiplash.

I'm not sure how long I hid in there, but it was long enough for both of them to eventually stop knocking, Lorcan to tell me we would talk later, and the bedroom door to shut.

But I'm still not brave enough to go out, so I get dressed and stay sitting on the bathroom floor and decide that it would be a great place to move into and live forever and ever.

And just maybe, that thought, more than anything,makes me realize I need to make some time for a certain other part of me that hasn't been let out in too long.

DaddyJackson introduced me to a whole other world. Before I submitted to him and let go of all the notions society puts on us to behave a certain way, and have specific needs and likes, my sex life was pretty damn boring. My life outside of the bedroom too, if I am being completely honest.

The artist Jackson was an asshole on the studio floor. His temper was as hot as the furnaces that melted the glass. But in the beginning, behind closed doors, when it was just the two of us, there was this whole other side to him. He taught me about my subby side, nurtured my long-neglected inner child, and opened my eyes to a whole different lifestyle that the pages of your usual erotic novel just don't do justice to.

He was patient, kind and sweet. He was the type of Dom who gave me the world, and by the time the internship was ending, I was so ridiculously in love with him I was ready to give up my dreams of getting my own glass shop up and running to just stay in London and work alongside him.

I lost my identity and my personality. And thinking back on it, I'm not even sure how it happened. I can't blame it all on him because, as he made it clear when he broke it off with me, he never once encouraged any of my 'delusional dreams'.